Hi Guys,
I want to install samsunctl to control my mu7000 Samsung TV from Libreelec to automate the TV, but it appears that libreelec does not come with the required python modules or a mechanism to install them, so samsungctl will not work.
Any suggestions on a way to install the python module 'websocket' into libreelec for use outside of Kodi?
I'm running 8.90.0 (S912.arm).
$~/.samsungctl # python -m samsungctl --host --timeout 10
--method websocket --name blaster KEY_POWER
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 72, in _run_code
File "/storage/.samsungctl/samsungctl/__main__.py", line 133, in <module>
File "/storage/.samsungctl/samsungctl/__main__.py", line 110, in main
with Remote(config) as remote:
File "samsungctl/remote.py", line 11, in __init__
self.remote = RemoteWebsocket(config)
File "samsungctl/remote_websocket.py", line 17, in __init__
import websocket
ImportError: No module named websocket
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