Can only stream from TVheadend server via local host

  • Hi,

    This is a strange one for me. I have never had any issues setting up remote TVH clients within LE, but recently I have no success getting them working.

    The symptom is that none of my remote clients respond to the IP address of the TVHeadend server. They both get stuck at loading PVR setting/channels. So it appears that they can see the tvheadend server but the server cannot see them.

    I also noticed that the local box which has the Tvheadend server can only connect to the server via the localhost IP address.

    This has only just begun since I upgraded to a recent Leia alpha build. It also only seems to start happening when I have enabled a whole rake of other addons. I don't quite know where to look for clues as to what has happened.

    I am wondering about deleting the TVheadend server and reinstalling it to see if that clears up the problem, but this is a bit drastic at this stage.

    What logs do I need to show ?


  • Maybe your last build has firewall enabled. Check in LibreELEC setting if you have it enabled.

    It was set to HOME, so yes thats probably it.
    Unfortunately had to delete Tvheadend anyway, so doing a fresh setup.
