NAS vs attached USB hard drive

  • I'm a NOOB running LibreELEC 8.2 on a 905W box with a HDHomerun Connect Quatro. I plan to use this device mainly as a PVR. I managed to get Tvheadend 4.2 and Zap2EPG running which records to a connected USB hard drive.

    I have a WD My Cloud in my network and it is connected to the LibreELEC box via Ethernet. Recordings play fine on the LibreELEC box from the My Cloud but I haven't yet figured out how to record to it.

    I have a 3TB USB 3.0 drive that I plan on connecting to either the My Cloud or directly to the LibreELEC box to use for recordings.

    Eventually I hope to record and access the same recordings from multiple Kodi devices.

    I'm assuming the best architecture for multiple multiple Kodi devices would be to connect the 3TB hard drive to the My Cloud. But before I go through the learning curve of configuring LibreELEC and Tvheadend to record to the My Cloud I thought I'd ask:

    Is it better to connect the hard drive to a NAS or directly to the LibreELEC box for access from multiple Kodi devices?


    Edited 2 times, last by RKCRLR (March 23, 2018 at 6:31 PM).