Resilio Sync Docker (

  • Resilio Sync displays "no write permissions" when adding a folder, how can this be solved?

    The folder is visible in Resilio and was mounted through the regular add-on config window inside Kodi.

    I have tried:

    - Adding the folder to the whitelist in Resilio's ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/docker.linuxserver.resilio-sync/config/sync.conf

    - Editing settings in ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/docker.linuxserver.resilio-sync/settings.xml in an attempt to set PGID and PUID to zero (the webgui did not even boot after this)

    - Accessing the docker container through TTY allows me to create folders and files inside the folder I have mounted.

  • I tried the image on an ubuntu host and didn't have permission errors. I'll try it on LE when I get a chance.

    I haven't used resilio sync before and I'm getting confused on how one is supposed to set it up.

    I'll talk to other team members who use it and will follow up here

  • Sorry it took me a bit to get my test environment set up again.

    I talked to the team members and they let me know that everything resides inside "/sync" inside the container, which is by default mapped to "/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/docker.linuxserver.resilio-sync/sync" on libreelec. But you can change that in the addon settings.

    The resilio-sync client runs as user nobody (65534) so all the files in that sync folder should be owned by that.

    I set up a fresh resilio-sync addon on my libreelec vm and I can go to add folder (standard), hit "new folder" and create one. All those newly created folders are under "/sync". I didn't have any issues.

    The addon creates those folders and changes ownership to user nobody on start.

    See the attached screenshots.

    Can you describe your environment a bit more? By the way, don't manually edit the settings.xml or the sync.conf. They are all managed by the addon and they'll break it completely.

    EDIT: Did you by any chance select a folder on a remote mount as the sync location? If the remote mount didn't allow chowning that location as user nobody, that would be the issue.

  • Hi,

    Changing my configs back to the defaults allowed me to properly add folders and files under /sync.

    However, I would like to point resilio to a mounted USB drive running under NTFS. This drive is being mounted automatically by Libreelec and all permissions are listed as root. CHOWNing them makes no difference and that's why resilio can't access them.

    Is there a way to mount this differently? I've tried symlinks from the /sync folder to my mount but those aren't effective. Resilio doesn't seem to follow them and they'd probably result in permissions issues as well.

  • Just saw this. Check out the docker faq stickied in the addons section.

    The user docker addons run as is nobody (65534 iirc) so the files should be owned by that

  • my experience:

    I had the permission problem as well, probably because my FAT32-harddrive had been mounted before Resilio Sync was installed.

    After I rebooted Libreelec and entered the webgui again, the permission issue was solved, probably because Resilio Sync started at the same time when the harddrive was mounted.