Does this dvb s2 tuner work?

  • To answer your question: YES, I am able to watch Satellite Channels using my technotrend 4600 attached to my raspberry PI but only using the image provided here in this thread thanks again to CvH and crazycat .

    If I were you I would keep your statement in the wiki for now as the sellers are not providing a working drivers for their products that use the new chip until now!! which is a huge shame on them. I still regret buying the technotrend 4600 :@.

    And for loading the driver issue. The log does not change. Even after I start tvheadend and start watching channels. It stays like this.

  • Hi Folks.

    unfortunately not everything works fine. If i tune to HD+ or german public television everything is ok, but Sky DE Channels won´t work.


    2019-01-21 05:06:41.508 TS: Astra/12304.5H/SYFY HD: H264 @ #511 Continuity counter error (total 1)

    2019-01-21 05:06:41.508 TS: Astra/12304.5H/SYFY HD: AC3 @ #515 Continuity counter error (total 1)

    2019-01-21 05:06:45.964 tbl-base: sdt: 12304.5H in Astra: invalid checksum (len 778, errors 1)

    2019-01-21 05:06:45.990 tbl-pass: pass-sdt: -: invalid checksum (len 778, errors 1)

    I try my Wetek Play 2 on the same sat-cable. Everything works fine. Only my RasPi with Libreelec 8,95.003 is not able to stream without artefacts.(I use CrazyCats (TBS) DVB driver.

  • GDPR-7

    Yes, you are right. Sky is pay-TV, but all HD+ Channels also. So it is no problem mit decryption. This works fine.

    "... mit decryption"

    Du Deutsch ?, metoo !

    andere Sender, anders Verschlüsselung !

    different tv channels, different enryption !

    Astra 1M (19.2°E) - Alle Übertragungen - Frequenzen - KingOfSat

    column No. 6

    IMO, HD+ decryption cards ONLY encrypts a subset of all encrypted channels

    - but maybe I'm in the wrong movie/doesn't understand that right/being outdated -

    Edited once, last by GDPR-7: typO (January 22, 2019 at 4:17 AM).

  • Yes, i am german, but i write in english further, for all other people here.

    I have a HD+ and SKY DE subcription. On my Wetek Play 2 with Libreelec 8.95.003 everything is fine. SKY DE and HD+ channels are decrypted and working. I try me Wetek Play 2 on the same sat cabel. Same result. It's working perfect.

    I tried to record some SKY DE channels on the RasPi to verify, that it not a problem with the streaming settings. Same result. Also the records are bad. I am using TVheadend in the current version.

    I have read a thread about this problem with the same error, but for an different usb sat receiver. The solution was to activate the module option transfer mode, but the module dvb_usb_dw2102 has no options for that.

    modinfo dvb_usb_dw2102:

    parm: demod:demod to probe (1=cx24116 2=stv0903+stv6110 4=stv0903+stb6100(or-able)).

    I also tried the demod option, but nothing changed.