LE with SQL on same Box

  • Looking for a way to install LE and SQL on the same box that can be shared on my LAN, this will be used as a headless unit for syncing/updating my library. I would like to install both side by side so that one a video is added to my network share, a Kodi addon would run and add it to my Library which would then sync across all my devices.

    Cureently I have a raspi running SQL for my database and then my main Kodi box updates the library every hour, what I'm trying to do is have a always on headless unit that handles SQL and library updates all in one box.

  • There is an option to do MySQL on a LE client. See LibreELEC .

    I'm not yet sure where your media collection is stored. if it is also on the same headless Kodi device, then you will need to start using pathsubstitution on all other Kodi devices. Kodi stores the full path of the video/music track, so that won't work out of the box with other Kodi clients. Once all your Kodi clients are set up for use of your headless Kodi box, any of them can add new items to your video and/or music library, because of the shared database. Each Kodi client will download fanart and thumbs and such instantly once its local thumb cache is checked.

    Personally I wouldn't run MySQL off an SD card. It's too flakey as a safe storage solution. There is no TRIM support, and wear & tear will sooner or later corrupt your data.

  • I'm not yet sure where your media collection is stored. if it is also on the same headless Kodi device, then you will need to start using pathsubstitution on all other Kodi devices. Kodi stores the full path of the video/music track, so that won't work out of the box with other Kodi clients. Once all your Kodi clients are set up for use of your headless Kodi box, any of them can add new items to your video and/or music library, because of the shared database. Each Kodi client will download fanart and thumbs and such instantly once its local thumb cache is checked.

    Or use network paths for your sources on the headless pi.
    eg smb://192.168.x.x/media/mydrive/films vs /media/ mydrive/films
    where 192.168.x.x is the headless pi.

  • Well i was planning on using a s905 android box with kszaq LE instead of using a Pi.

    Also i already have sql setup but wanted an all in one solution since the s905 is on 24/7

    Edited once, last by JonSnow (August 2, 2016 at 10:16 PM).