Problem configuring a remote recording location for tvHeadEnd on NAS

  • Hi all,

    I succesfully configured the tvHeadEnd server on my Wetek Play2 mediabox running LibreElec (last official version). I configured from the Web interface of the tvHE server from my PC. All works fine.

    Now 'm trying to set as recording location a shared folder (named TVRecs) of my Synology NAS. I set the RW permission on the NAS to this folder to the user AAA with its pwd BBB.

    Then, using the file location section of Kodi, I set a new network location using SMB protocol, with Server = 192.168.x.yy, folder = TVRecs, user AAA, pwd BBB . It appears as \\IPNAS\TVRecs. Good.

    Now, using the tvHeadEnd Kodi configuration addon, I set the Recording location picking up the above defined network location, and the textbox is filled with the string " smb://AAA:BBB@http://192.168.1x.yy/TVRecs/

    Obviously, opening the Web Interface from the PC, in Configuration->Recording->Parameters in the field "Recording path" I see the same string.

    OK, all it seems correctly configured.

    Now, when I try to record a TV program, it starts but immediately stops. What I miss?

    I have to say that, running an Android TV instance on the Play2 instead of LibreELEC, and setting the same remote folder using an utility provided by Wetek, and configuring in the same way tvHeadEnd on Kodi, all it works perfectly ,and I'm able to recording all the stuff on the NAS remote folder. So it cannot be an issue related to permission on the folder....

    Anybody can help me?

    Thanks a lot in advance


  • Look at the systemd mount example(s) in /storage/.config/system.d/ and create a boot-time mount for the NAS share, then configure TVH server to use the local mount point for that remote share, e.g. /storage/recordings.