Remote power trouble

  • gulp79

    Rank1 (1024MB) could not be initialized, i will see what I can do.

    What is the size of the single RAM chip - 12x8, 13.2x9 or 14x9 mm? Please measure on the front and on the back of the PCB.


    size is the same on front and on back side, and is 14mm x 0,9mm,

    Attached there are some photos (chip on front side have different ID of back chips).

    i can try another update with



    use this dtb for Gigabit Ethernet


    or is better to wait?

  • Yes, please do this update

    after last update, i've this loop:

    the only way to restore was to short pin 29&30 of mmc and start an USB restore. (otherwise the board was not detected neither in usb).

    Edited 2 times, last by gulp79 (April 6, 2018 at 7:24 PM).

  • bumerc ok, i've wiped bootloader on mmc and then booted SD2 (your u-boot) and i've this loop:

  • bumerc

    i want to try the u-boot.bin@LPDDR3-792Mhz from you, but the file is offline.. do you have a new version for my H96PRo+ with Blue PCB CZ-S32-V5?

    and is there a way to update only the uboot on sdcard, so i must not destroy my internal? iam afraid to do this...

    LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.90.6-h96pp-emergency-sdcard.img.tar seems to be broken... i can't unpack with rar or zip, says after 97% error.. have downloaded it twice...

    gunzip runs 30mins and more an no ending...

    Edited once, last by BigMike (April 7, 2018 at 11:00 AM).

  • gulp79

    you have strange DDR4, I have the feeling that your DDR4 ≠ is a real DDR4.

    We can try to gradually reduce the Clk rate and hope it works

    Please only test, it makes no sense at the moment to install u-boot.bin in emmc.


    I will provide it a little later.


    and is there a way to update only the uboot on sdcard, so i must not destroy my internal? iam afraid to do this...

    LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.90.6-h96pp-emergency-sdcard.img.tar seems to be broken... i can't unpack with rar or zip, says after 97% error.. have downloaded it twice...

    gunzip runs 30mins and more an no ending...

    1. can only be operated if the internal boot medium (emmc / nand) does not contain a bootloader .. is empty

    see Amlogic S912 datasheet

    2. extract this with 7-zip


    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=1 count=442
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=512 skip=1 seek=1 count=2047
    dd of=/dev/sdX bs=1 count=442
    dd of=/dev/sdX bs=512 skip=1 seek=1

    Edited once, last by bumerc (April 7, 2018 at 2:49 PM).

  • bumerc

    Thx for you U-Boot, Off/On works like a charm.

    btw: i have taken another way to change the u-boot ! it's for me much easier and faster.

    take Amlogic_Customize_Tool_V2.0.10

    click load, choose Replace Uboot/Kernal

    i took an .img from Freaktab (SCV4-Test1.img) but orginal is good too.

    go to Advance/Uboot

    doubleclick on bootloader.partition and chose your u.boot.bin

    Choose Pack and burn the new created image with USB_Burning_Tool


    ps: too switch to english menu take the second chinamenu choose entry one

    Edited once, last by BigMike (April 8, 2018 at 3:02 PM).

  • gulp79

    you have strange DDR4, I have the feeling that your DDR4 ≠ is a real DDR4.

    We can try to gradually reduce the Clk rate and hope it works

    Please only test, it makes no sense at the moment to install u-boot.bin in emmc.


    nothing...still bootloop

    btw, with originlal u-boot, the ddr is detected as 792Mhz:

    DDR4 chl: Rank0+1 @ 792MHz - PASS
    Rank0: 2048MB(auto)-2T-18
    Rank1: 1024MB(auto)-2T-18
    DataBus test pass!
    AddrBus test pass!
  • i've tried another u-boot (from ROM SCV1-GT1_Ultimate for beelink GT1 Ultimate 3G DDR4).

    The box boot, this is the log: (DDR @ 636MHz :huh: )

    But once shutdown, the remote cannot wake the box up, so like the original one