Weekly kodi backup

  • Is there a way to setup weekly backups via cron or othetwise? I'd like to use the build in backup option under LE settings but would rather have it done automatically.

    I know there are other addons in the kodi repo such as Backup, but I've always ran into issues with the restore and my current theme. When i restore from LE everything restores perfectly.

    I need a backup solution as I've had devices die and its just so much easier to restore than setup from scratch or an old file.

    Edited once, last by JonSnow (July 31, 2016 at 9:28 AM).

  • I personally only make one full backup, once everything has been installed and set up correctly. After that, only the content of the databases change, which are mostly handled on the MySQL server. I see no reason for a weekly backup, unless you really want to fiddle with settings and things on a daily basis.

  • That is true, but i cache fanart as its added for my theme otherwise I'd have to cache it again and i have created backups after major changes but it just puts my mind at ease to have the latest backups even if not weekly monthly would be fine.