ODROID C2 Transfer via Samba limited to 2GB

  • I find it a bit easy to give up, it works with many people to perfection, I do not see why at home, I would prefer to find a solution to this problem because the solution must exist, if I had the budget for a SIN etc I would not opt for the C2
    I think it will be hard but I do not despair I would find I hope this solution ahah

    worst of the worst by FTP it works perfectly

  • Yes, 8.0 is using Samba 3.6.25 while 8.2 uses Samba 4.6.x.

    When you say that you've "tried SMB2/3, SMB1", can you confirm you are changing both the min/max protocol in LibreELEC Settings > Services (and not values in Settings > Services > SMB Client which affects only the Kodi client and not the local Samba Server)?

  • Yes I did well in Parameter, Libreelec, Service, Which one should work SMB 1? 2? I can repeat a test, No way back under an old samba on 8.2? Is it possible that the new samba is not compatible with my network card?

  • Difficult to say, as this seems to be more of an issue with your clients/network configuration (possibly software and/or hardware) as we're not able to reproduce. The current version of Samba Server in 8.2 supports 4GB+ without any issue. I use Windows 7 and don't have any problems with 2GB+ files, and we know a lot of people use Windows 10 (even Macs) and we don't see similar issues being reported. So I'm scratching my head trying to think what the cause might be, but I'm fairly confident the issue is not with the LibreELEC Samba server.

  • Thank you in any case for trying to help me

    You think it can come from my network? because under Windows 7, 10, and mac similar ...

    If it is the case I test an installation on an old RPI 3 to see if it's joking also we will know that it is not the Odroid server, or the Odroid version ...

    I use Orange as an internet network, in France we have a lot of this network and we do not have the same problem ...

  • Thank you in any case for trying to help me

    You think it can come from my network? because under Windows 7, 10, and mac similar ...

    If it is the case I test an installation on an old RPI 3 to see if it's joking also we will know that it is not the Odroid server, or the Odroid version ...

    I use Orange as an internet network, in France we have a lot of this network and we do not have the same problem ...

    It would be interesting if you could test a LibreELEC client (can you boot your Windows PC with a LibreELEC 8.2.3 Generic USB memory stick in "run" mode?) with your Odroid LibreELEC server. If this also fails then there are only two possibilities - your network (router, switch, cables), or there is something wrong with the Odroid implementation of Samba Server.

  • For the manipulation you asked me I did not understand ... As for the network as it works with the RPI on the same network it is not that ... A friend has an Odroid c2 he will test with a version 8.2 if sharing works

  • Probably best answered by the Odroid maintainer - not hardware (or a build) I'm that familiar with. I do know it uses an older kernel, but I believe we internally tested Windows to an Odroid, and didn't see a problem.

  • On the RPI with Libreelec 8.2.3 it works ... So either it's the special distribution for Odroid (I doubt it) or it's the Odroid ... what do you think?

    Just to be clear - when you say "On the RPI with Libreelec 8.2.3 it works" is this with the RPi as the Samba Server (and Windows/Mac as the clients) or the RPi is the client and Odroid is still the server?

    What I'd like you to test is:

    #1: With Odroid C2 as Samba Server, use the RPi as client to copy a large file to/from Ordoid C2 (you should be able to use the Kodi File Manager and smb:// source for this)

    #2: With Odroid C2 as Samba Server, use the Windows/Mac as client to copy a large file to/from Ordoid C2

    #3: With RPi as Samba Server, use Windows/Mac as client to copy a large file to/from the RPi

    We know #2 doesn't work, but I'd just like confirmation on the other tests to avoid any confusion.

  • I copy a file of 10GO and it is a 8go without er er message to 2.06gb

    I'm not entirely sure what you are saying here or what the different numbers mean - are you saying the 10GB file is being copied successfully (with no errors and no missing data) to the RPi? In which case test #3 is confirmed as OK.

    Please confirm if test #1 is working - if test #1 is not working, then this would point more strongly towards an Odroid C2 issue (or perhaps some issue between the Odroid C2 network interface and your router?)

  • I do not see the RPI in SMB, so I can not test

    On the RPi in Kodi > Settings > File Manager, add the Odroid_C2 as a source ("Add source").

    In the left listing, click on "Add source" and enter the smb:// path details for the Odroid C2 share after clicking on Browse > Add network location (create a Windows network (SMB)" location). You'll then be able to create the new SMB source using the new network location - name it "Odroid SMB".

    If you don't have a source on the RPi in which you can store videos then in the right list click on "Add source" and create a source using one of your "Home folder" directories, eg. videos, and then name the new source "Local videos".

    Navigate into the "Local videos" source using the right list.

    Now, in the left list, navigate into your "Odroid SMB" source, assuming you have any large 4GB+ files open the context menu ("c" on a keyboard) and if you click on "Copy" the file will be copied from the Odroid to the RPi using the smb:// protocol.

    You can also copy files from the right list to the left list, which - if unchanged from above - would copy a file from the RPi "Local videos" source to the "Odroid SMB" source, thus testing the copy in both directions.