need a knight in shining armour! odroid c2 cannot see usb hard drive attached

  • Hi guys i'm somewhat computer illiterate but am hoping someone can help me, i've been reading/googling/trying different methods for around 4 hours on the subject now.

    I have an odroid c2 connected via ethernet to my downstairs tv, the connection is fine. The odroid runs librelec latest version. I have a usb hard drive attached to my router with movies on that i want to access on the tv.

    I have a laptop in the house and a main pc in the house that can both access the movies section via windows explorer on the said usb hard drive attached to router, for the life of me i cannot get the libreelec to show the movies folder on the hard drive. I have read about the smb 1 issue with previous versions of libreelec, i have ticked the box saying wait for network, also the one saying enable samba password. The passwords do confuse me i must admit, is it the zyxel router one that i enter when i add new network connection in smb in librelec? all variations of this don't work.

    I refuse to give up on getting this working but don't know how much more i can take!

    Any help much appreciated.


  • Thanks for the replies i will work down the list and try anything i haven't yet seen, I did try initially to rollback to 8.0.2 but still the issue was there although i could see "workgroup" folder.


    • "Some router and NAS devices have proprietary SMB1 implementations that do not support NTLMv2 and forcing SMB1 still results in a refused connection. This is normally resolved by adding client NTLMv2 auth = no and client use spnego = no to /storage/.kodi/.smb/user.conf before rebooting. In a future LibreELEC release we will make this configurable within the Kodi settings GUI."

    The above might be my issue but my libreelec is on a bootable sd card and the only files on it when i enter the card on my pc are kernel system and boot. Nothing in relation to the above storage/kodi/smb/user.conf. Can anyone add anything to help?

    Edited once, last by stiltsky: I managed to get into the box files through winscp but still there is no kodi file inside the storage folder. (January 10, 2018 at 1:45 PM).

  • In LE 8.2.2 those options are available in Kodi settings > services > smb client> configure minimum/maximum client protocol as SMB1 and enable "legacy security" and you get the same thing.

  • In LE 8.2.2 those options are available in Kodi settings > services > smb client> configure minimum/maximum client protocol as SMB1 and enable "legacy security" and you get the same thing.

    Thank i set these as described and still no joy with the hard drive showing up, i can see the hard drive from my windows pc's it's so frustrating but from libreelec no joy. I tried through winscp to see if the hd was definitely mounted and it showed ;

    Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on

    devtmpfs 807.2M 122.6M 684.7M 15% /dev

    /dev/mmcblk0p1 511.7M 138.3M 373.4M 27% /flash

    /dev/mmcblk0p2 28.4G 810.3M 27.6G 3% /storage

    /dev/loop0 122.6M 122.6M 0 100% /

    tmpfs 908.9M 0 908.9M 0% /dev/shm

    tmpfs 908.9M 7.9M 900.9M 1% /run

    tmpfs 908.9M 0 908.9M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup

    tmpfs 908.9M 2.0M 906.9M 0% /var

    tmpfs 908.9M 0 908.9M 0% /tmp

    the hard drive is a 4tb so i don't think that is displaying properly no?

    Edited once, last by stiltsky (January 11, 2018 at 4:26 PM).

  • These are the mounted partitions in LibreELEC - I thought you said you had plugged the USB HDD into the Zyxel router?

    The LibreELEC OS won't be mounting the USB HDD that is being shared by your Zyxel router unless you mount the share as a CIFS partition using systemd (or

    Kodi however should be able to see the shared USB HDD because it is using libsmbclient, but first you'll need to add the share as an smb:// source in the Kodi GUI.

    In order to add this source you will need to add an SMB network location - don't try to browse the network as this is no longer supported. Enter the server name (your router IP address), the share name/folder, and (if configured) the username/password that you have configured in the Zyxel router to protect the share. Then you can add the source using the network location you just created.

    also the one saying enable samba password.

    It sounds like you are modifying the LibreELEC Samba Server configuration which is not relevant if you are using your Zyxel router to share the USB HDD.

    The only Samba settings you are interested in when sharing the HDD via your Zyxel router are in Kodi > Services > SMB client. Make sure you enable the "Expert" setting in order to access the Samba client options.

    The passwords do confuse me i must admit, is it the zyxel router one that i enter when i add new network connection in smb in librelec? all variations of this don't work.

    Yes, you should add a username/password to the SMB share in the Zyxel router if that is the device you are using to share the HDD. However depending on the options available in the router admin console you may not be able to configure a username/password, in which case you'll just have to use guest access (no authentication) and hope it works - it will depend how the Zyxel Samba server has been configured.

    Typically the version of the Samba server that is installed in these router-type devices is very old - sometimes up to 10 years old, and without any security updates in that time. Old Samba servers normally only support the SMB1 protocol, and may also require that the "Legacy" security option is enabled in LibreELEC (this configures libsmbclient to negotiate an even less secure SMB1 protocol with the router than is normally the case).

    If all else fails, why not connect the USB HDD to the Odroid_C2 and share it to your laptop using the LibreELEC Samba Server? You'll have the benefit of a modern, secure Samba server (supporting SMB3) and you can disable the (quite likely insecure) Samba server in your Zyxel router.

  • Thanks very much i will give this a whirl tonight, most helpful. And yes if this fails i will have to plug the hard drive in to the shelving under the tv in the living room, just abit bulky this way that's all.