Hello. I am using 3 RPi2 devices all running LE 8.2.1, all with Hauppauge A415-HPG remotes and the receivers all on GPIO pin 18. Lirc service is turned off. These units have worked with the IR very solidly for many LE/OE versions. When I update any/all of these units to 8.2.2, the remotes stop working completely and I have to resort back to 8.2.1. The 8.2.2 change log has nothing about any changes to the IR, and my units obviously survived the IR changes in 8.2.1.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I did change from lirc-rpi to gpio-ir under 8.2.1 and all still worked after doing that, but still fails in 8.2.2.
Any idea what might be going on here?