Kodi 17 & PVR

  • Hello,

    Kodi17 have removed "<minvideocachelevel> and <minaudiocachelevel> have been removed in v17."
    How do you cache PVR stream with Kodi17 when you have low bandwidth with wireless ?

    These parameters not working with PVR client "<memorysize>, <buffermode> and <readfactor>".
    Return to kodi16 or there are another parameters ?

    Thank you for your help

  • Thank you for your reply but I just not understand...

    A cache is a cache, the link should not change anything... caching 2/3sec of steam inside the memory by LAN or WAN should work. You just lost 2/3sec when you start the movie. The movie is good but sound cut sometime not a main issue but a small cache can solve this problem.

    And this cache work over LAN with PVR on older Kodi version... I should go back to older Kodi version ?

  • And this cache work over LAN with PVR on older Kodi version...

    This function was removed for whatever reasons, so maybe you should open an issue at your pvr.abc issue tracker or go back an kodi version and never update again (as it is unlikely this is changed in future without someone reporting issues). Maybe there is an other workaround I am not aware of.