Kodi crashes on selecting audio output

  • When changing audio output device by the JSONRPC API while playing a music file (mp3), Kodi crashes and restarts.

    Hardware: Raspberry PI3

    LIbreelec: 8.2.1 official

    Architecture: RPI2.arm

    I am changing audio output device by posting to port 8080 (Kodi):

    JSON='{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Settings.SetSettingValue", "params":{"setting":"audiooutput.audiodevice","value":"'$DEVICE'"},"id":1}'
    curl -v -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d "$JSON" http://$HOST:8080/jsonrpc

    Crashlog is attached.

    Best regards


  • Please test with a current Leia build and if the issue remains, report to Kodi developers via their forums. At this part in the release cycle for Krypton, even if the bug is found in Krypton, the fix will go into Leia.