Kodi won‘t react to IR Remote after a while/some sleep cycles (since LE 8.2)

  • Hi!

    Maybe someone has a better/more comfortable idea to solve my issue:

    Kodi stops reacting to IR commands after some hours of use, or after some system sleep cycles. I use a mce usb compatible USB Receiver which worked just fine since LE 8.2.

    „irw“ on the console gives proper feedback and keypresses show just fine, when the problem occurs. I even tried to reload the mceusb kernel modul to no avail.

    BUT: „systemctl restart kodi“ via ssh console brings back full remote functionality!

    Any Ideas?

    Thanks in advance :)

    PS: Kodi Box is x86 64bit Intel based CoreDuo

    Edited once, last by ApexDE: Hardware specs added (December 16, 2017 at 4:55 PM).

  • please also post output of

    journalctl -a | paste

    plus a kodi debug log after this has happened.

    Ah, and make sure lirc is disabled in libreelec settings.

    so long,


  • Here is a log snippet when it happened again. No IR Control possible after sleep.

  • Please don't cut down logs, always upload full logs to a paste site (eg using the "paste" command in LE).

    There are quite a lot of USB errors in the snippet you posted, but without having the full log it's impossible to know if they are related to your USB IR receiver or not.

    If irw is showing button presses after resume but you don't get them in kodi you could also try disabling the kodi-lirc-suspend systemd service and see if this helps:

    systemctl mask kodi-lirc-suspend.service

    If it didn't help or made things worse use "unmask" instead of "mask" in the above command to re-enable it again.

    so long,
