Hi there I've a few Rasberry Pis running LE all fine.
Sometimes one of the Pis with a SAT tuner can lock up.
I have an Orange Pi with Armbian that I use for stuff like node-red for home automation
I can set up Alexa to so I can say Alexa turn on Tuner and that will kick of a process in Node Red
What I want to do is link a task in node red to restart the LE instance ideally I'd like to call a static URL eg REBOOT
I could ssh to the box using keypairs / sshpass etc but I thought a URL if it existed or could be added would be better.
What I'd like is the ability to restart any of the RP so I can just say Alexa turn on X where X is the name of one of the units.
Like I explained I can can invoke a script from node red if needed but a URL on other protocol with no remote dependencies and ideally no local dependencies (like SSHPASS) would be good.