adding .kodi to samba share / samba.conf

  • i used to add .kodi to the samba.conf like this


    path = /storage/.kodi

    available = yes

    browsable = yes

    public = yes

    writable = yes

    this made is easy to move and copy files, this does not seem to work anymore
    is there another way to accomplish this?

  • /packages/network/samba/config/smb.conf


    path = /storage/.kodi

    available = yes

    browsable = yes

    public = yes

    writable = yes

    root preexec = mkdir -p /storage/.kodi

  • nowe It might depend where you did that change. Which file did you edit?

    IIRC you don´t have write access to /package/network/samba/config/smb.conf

    Instead you should edit: /storage/.config/samba.conf.sample

    rename (mv) it to: /storage/.config/samba.conf

    and do the changes in there. The samba.conf in .config will be recognized as well at boot.