WeTek Play NanD-Installation

  • Hello,

    I successfully changed with my Intel-Devices and my Raspberrys from OpenELEC to LibreELEC.

    The last job would be to do the same with my WeTeK Play, which I own since 14 month. The Problem was or is, that I cannot update the WeTek, with OE installed on the internal NanD, by pushing the update-file in the update-folder. Since OpenELEC 5.0.3, the WeTek recognizes the update-files, but crashes during the installation-procoess, so that I had to made a fully new installation for every new version.

    For this case OpenELEC has a Zip-file for the Micro-SD, containing the follwing files:
    1. factory_update_param.aml
    2. OpenELEC-Amlogic.WeTek.Play.arm-X.x.x-update.zip
    3. recovery.img

    How can I get this files for LibreELEC ?


    Edited once, last by mark-aus-51 (April 11, 2016 at 6:44 PM).

  • Since I don't have any WeTek devices on sight until next week I would just like to confirm if you have the same issue with OpenELEC?
    For example update from OE 5.x to 6.x using the tar file. You said it crashes during the installation process, could you be more specific, at what point does it fail?

    I'll try to create a flashable zip file next week after I have a device where I can confirm the install process will succeed.

    For now I would suggest updating from OE 6.x to LE 6.90.005

  • Since I don't have any WeTek devices on sight until next week I would just like to confirm if you have the same issue with OpenELEC?
    For example update from OE 5.x to 6.x using the tar file. You said it crashes during the installation process, could you be more specific, at what point does it fail?

    I'll try to create a flashable zip file next week after I have a device where I can confirm the install process will succeed.

    For now I would suggest updating from OE 6.x to LE 6.90.005

    ...only this installation-method, explained here, is working for my Wetek-Play (downloadable for OE here).
    The update method [pushing the .tar-file into the update-folder does not work with my WeTek-Play, but it works with my other devices (Intel Nuc, Zotac ZBox, Raspberry Pi 2+3)].

    The update-process starts as unsual, but after the 1th reboot everything freezes with an error message, which I don´t remember jet. So I had to make any Installation on my WeTek during the last 14 month only with the "toothpick-method", if I want to install OE on the internal NanD.

    For this reason I need a "WeTek Play / LibreELEC box - Diskimage for install on intenal NAND (e.g. LibreELEC-WeTek_Play.arm-6.90.005.zip).

    Edited once, last by mark-aus-51 (April 12, 2016 at 3:08 PM).