Possible to compile without git?

  • Is it possible to generate an image without having GIT installed? I was hoping to avoid it and now the MAKE process is at the point where it runs /scripts/image and that requires GIT to run. I want to generate an image but preferably without having to push anything to GIT, so how can I do that? I understand it's free, but I'd like to avoid it if possible. :?:

  • Thanks, but those instructions involve cloning and checking out from the repository. I already have my customized source ready and built up to the point where the image needs to be generated. So what commands will allow scripts/image to run without me having to clone and checkout? I bit the bullet and created a git account and ran those commands (minus clone and checkout because I don't want to override any of my existing source) but I'm still stuck not able to run with the below error:

    Ambiguous argument HEAD: unknown revision or path not in the working tree

    Edited once, last by Mrfixit2001 (November 21, 2017 at 2:05 PM).

  • It's hard to comment without being a little rude. There is no actual dependency on git for compiling .. but if you have chosen to ignore a sensible workflow for cloning our source code *and* you cannot figure out the build command from the simple instructions in the wiki; the chances of your customisations resulting in a working image are low, and the developers/staff around here will be shy of getting involved. What are you actually trying to achieve with customisations?

  • Thanks for the feedback all. The build instructions are clear I'm just trying to avoid having to use a git repository. I edited the necessary scripts manually and just removed any reference to git. So that Problem is solved. On to the next! Haha Thanks anyways!