Harmony Remote Shutdown Protocol?

  • I am running LibreElec 8.02 on an Intel NUC NUC7I3BNK with a new Harmony 950 remote. When hitting the shutdown button the remote immediately shuts down both the TV and Intel NUC without a shutdown menu. Two questions:

    1. Based on my experience with Windows, Mac, and Linux machines it is not good to shutdown with the power switch (one should exit via a shutdown window). So is this harming the LibreElec OS or its configuration on the Intel NUC?

    2. If this is not a good shutdown method (which also makes restart unavailable) what is an easy way to add the normal Kodi shutdown menu ("S)?

    Thanks very much.

    P.S. Have the same questions with a new Harmony 665 in another room and another Intel NUC.

  • I use a Harmony 350 with a celeron nuc & Titan. In the main menu, I press the down button twice & the settings, shutdown reboot options come up.

    In the Titan configuration, there is a power option settings.

  • 1. Based on my experience with Windows, Mac, and Linux machines it is not good to shutdown with the power switch (one should exit via a shutdown window). So is this harming the LibreElec OS or its configuration on the Intel NUC?

    The shutdown function in Kodi which is being initiated by your remote performs a clean OS shutdown, so nothing to worry about.