Unwanted library update on start

  • Hello there!

    I use Libreelec 7.0.2 on a Raspberry Pi 3.

    Works smooth and fine all the time, but...

    although I have disabled the function, Kodi updates the video libraries nearly everytime I start Libreelec.

    I don't want that, because there are some titles in my library Kodi (with its crawlers) detects and displays wrong.

    I don't know if it's a libreelec or a kodi issue...

    Hope you can help with that

  • Needs a debug log to see what's happening.
    I was going to say it doesn't happen on my pi's, but since they're generally on for months at a time I wouldn't notice.

    Just enable debug logging, restart, let the library update start and paste the log somewhere.

    Edited once, last by trogggy (July 20, 2016 at 10:24 AM).

  • There is an option for auto-updating the Kodi libraries at startup. That, or one of your addons is getting a bit too enthusiastic.