Change audio codec?

  • well i was reading some info about Pulsaudio in the official Kodi wiki and there was this text, so i thought well in my case i should try use the ALSA. SO therefor i just curious how to change if the LibreElec used the Pulsaudio.

    6 FAQ

    You should use PulseAudio when:
    • You use your Kodi computer mainly as your Desktop when you don't run XBMC.
    • You want other applications audio like Skype, youtube, browser mail notification in parallel with Kodi.
    • You use Kodi in windowed mode as Desktop player
    • You use Pulseaudio as a network sink to stream Audio to other devices in your living room.
    • Passthrough is nice to have for you, but to be honest - you don't really need it.
    • Whenever you plugin your Bluetooth headset, Kodi audio will continue over this new device (when Default 'PULSE' device is chosen)
    You should use ALSA when:
    • You use Kodi as your standalone media center.
    • You are highly interested in bitperfect exclusive audio output.
    • DTS-HD, TrueHD is something you use daily and is of high importance.
    • You don't need other applications that would access audio in parallel.
  • So which reason do you want to do it?

    Basically ALSA is better in every way in terms of LibreELEC. We currently only use pulseaudio for bluetooth audio devices. It takes manual intervention to change this and you have to know what you are doing.

  • well i use it as a standalone media center and i would like to try change it, just to see if it work better or not as they wrote, i don't care about bluetooth audio. and if it's not working well no big deal.

  • None of those conditions are relevant on a distro like LibreELEC. ALSA is disabled by default for RPi, Kodi uses it's audio device directly I believe. If you have sound, just leave it ;)

  • i know there is limits in the RPi when it comes to HD sound, shure i can leave it as it is, but when i read the text i was wondering more because what i have searched the net ALSA got better preformance on passthrough than Pulseaudio, but RPi can't handle the bitstreaming so therefore is pulse better. but it was more a fun thing to try . :D ;)