Here is what happened :
I had a Rpi2 + FLIRC + Logitech Remote with XBMC profile. I was using openelec. I moved to libreelec.
THEN a while later i got a NUC.
I backed up my library, and restored it on the NUC, on a clean libreelec install, and moved my FLIRC to it. (Disabled the IR in NUC bios)
Everything was fine and dandy for a while.
All of a sudden, i started getting a "ghost" context menu press. If the selected item has a context menu available, if i leave it there for a while (couple of seconds), the context menu appears all by itself. I'm scrolling down my list of file and all of a sudden i get the menu appear out of the blue.
My troubleshooting steps (after each, i highlighted a video file that could have a context menu to popup) :
- Took out the Flirc, the context menu still appears
- Double checked that the IR is disabled in bios, it was off
- removed the usb dongle for my wireless keyboard + mouse, context menu still appears
- disabled all control options, via web interfaces, upnp, etc... still have a problem
- disconnected it from LAN (wifi was disabled too), still going on...
The only thing that fixed it : install clean. No backup restoration, rescanned all my libraries. No more problem!
I've been adding my addons one by one, separately, to see if one enabled that "feature" but so far so good! And then, more than a week after touching my configs and installing my last few addons / skin.... that damn ghost context menu popup appeared again...
I don't know what to do or check to fix this anymore, anybody knows what to do?