Need help to install libreelec on box with 256mb ram

  • Hello everyone

    I am new to Libreelec and i am trying to install Libreelec 7 to my box which has amlogic s805 and 256ram.. I have tried with v7.0.3.2 and i have successfully installed it on the nand but it keeps freezing after 1min or less . That's why i would like to try installing other versions like 7.95.beta6 but there is no zip file in the repo (

    Index of /s805/old_builds/7.95.beta6) so please tell me how to create zip bootable file which i could install from android recovery menu. Also my box doesnt have sd card slot

  • We don't speak for other distro's, but even if they do have images that boot an S805 the performance will suck balls in the same way and for the same reason. The box does not have enough RAM.