Cache Full

  • hi guys,

    Bit stuck. I've been using an i5 NUC (WYK) for a few years and moved over from openelec to librelec around 4 months ago. Since then i've been having lots of "Cache Full" buffering issues playing ANY content from my unraid server from 400mb to 20gb files sizes, it's guaranteed to buffer at least once.

    Everything is gigabit connected and i can get file copies of 110mb from the server to the client.

    Any ideas? I'm really unsure as to why im getting these errors.

  • Something must be very wrong if you have caching problems on a local gigabit network. If you have any extra caching settings in your advancedsettings.xml file, simply remove all of them and start fresh. Perhaps some odd OpenELEC setting is messing things up. A full fresh setup never can hurt IMO. Can you upload the kodi.log file on a pastebin website near you?