Custom SMB Shares not mounted in 8.1.2 (Solved)

  • Really strange problem when I upgraded to 8.1.2 from 8.1.1--two specific samba shares I added in samba.conf is inaccessible/not listed while all the others are. All the other samba shares like Configfiles, Pictures, Music, Screenshots, etc. all work and is browse-able. I had to go back to 8.1.1 to gain access to these two paths via SMB.

    These two additional paths in samba.conf:

    Also, smbstatus is not included with LE, but is there an equivalent console command so I can see which SMB shares are mounted?

  • Fixed it. Looks like the samba.conf I created from samba.conf.sample in 8.1.1 had this header:

    # samba.conf

    I noticed in 8.1.2, the header reads:

    # samba.conf v4 (do not remove)

    So I just changed that one line in samba.conf for 8.1.2, and now the custom maps work.

  • Yup, we added some detection in 8.1.2 that looks for the string with v4 (anything older is presumed not based on the v4 template) and if not found we skip the custom config and start Samba with the default template. You were too efficient fixing your config before 8.2.0 :)

  • Yeah--I didn't see the error in the logs originally because debug/verbose wasn't turned on. So I actually went to Github to see the merged changes from 8.1.1 to 8.1.2 and spotted the code detection. :)