I have removed the addon, and must say that I was mortified to find out that I had any kind of addon that is considered illegal, as I am actively against piracy and I hate to see the bad press that kodi receives because of these type of addons. I use kodi mainly for the fantastic PVR features which IMO blow any standalone PVR box out of the water (I think Krypton was the turning point in that respect). I am contributing to this forum to try and help identify issues and provide logs where possible to help the developers to address problems such as the one reported in this thread. I fully support your stance on the banned addons so will understand if you decide not to look any further into this issue. By providing these logs I only want to help improve the kodi experience for other users. I would be happy to provide more logs now that I've removed the questionable addon repo?
Posts by jahutchi
I don't actually use anything from that repo - can't actually remember why I installed it but will remove as I don't want any dodgy addons.
My RPi3 Crashed again this morning whilst simply left idle in the PVR Section of the Home screen.
Here is the debug crash log
As far as I can tell, this problem only exists on RPi, not on "regular" Linux?
Incorrect. The problem occurs on my Generic x86_64 HTPC (Acer Revo 3700). I have the DVBSky S960. I am currently using the Generic v4.8 kernel builds supplied by smp earlier in this thread and this resolves the problem.
It's probably dependant on hardware. Admittedly the Acer Revo 3700 is a little dated but with 4x 1.2GHz cores it should be upto the job. Whilst playing live TV my CPU is only around 20% utilised.
I talked to a team member and it would be nice if the logs would have been debuglogs. So please enable debug logging first and then grab the log
I enabled debug logging earlier today then left it in the PVR Section of the Home screen, and low and behold it crashed.
Here is the debug crash log
Note: This is on my RPi3 running LibreELEC 8.1.1, but I can reproduce on other LE versions too (8.0.1, 8.0.2).
I can also reproduce on my Generic x86_64 machine, which hosts my TVHeadend server (LE 8.0.1 with Kernel 4.8).
You will need to install and configure the pvr.hts addon in kodi so that I can connect to your TVHeadend installation.
To clear out the old VDR stuff from the kodi database go into Settings > PVR & Live TV Settings > General > Clean Data.
I have upgraded my RPI3 to the very latest v8.1.1 build (kodi 17.4) and the problem still exists.
I left kodi in the PVR section of the home screen last night, and as before it crashed out.
It really is that easy to reproduce - I just leave it in the PVR section of the Home Screen.
If any further logfiles are needed to help solve the problem then I'm happy to supply them.
This problem is not going away unfortunately.
On my Pi3 it has crashed 5 times already this morning with no user intervention.
Seems to always crash when left in the EPG on a past event.
Here are the 5x crash logs for the occurrences this morning:Every time the crash log seems to end with:
ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
Kodi seems to restart itself correctly of it's own accord. If I upgrade to 17.3 (LibreELEC 8.0.2) then I find that it will hang instead of automatically restarting kodi (hence why I went back to 8.0.1).
Here is also a crash log from my generic x86 machine, which also crashed this morning.
Any thoughts on what might be causing these crashes - is there anything in the crash logs that gives any clues?
The recent discussion is something I don't really understand:)
Anyway, if I would like to use the kernel version that has no artifacts with DVBSky S960 and TVH, running RPi3 and latest LE, which kernel should I use? And how to install that kernel?
See the links posted on page 5 by smpWith media_build:
Without media_build:
I was seeing the same on my RPI3. I often leave it in the EPG whilst Idle. I would return to the RPI3 and find it was frozen on the EPG screen. I also noticed in the top-right corner it would say "Loading Channels from clients - 0%" or similar so maybe it was doing something PVR-related when it froze.
I could get it going again by SSH'ing into the machine and running "systemctl restart kodi" - or simply with an old-fashioned poweroff/poweron at the plug.
On my RPI3 I have a very minimal build - just pvr.hts plugin, itvplayer, docker, inadyn.
I have my TVH Server in another room on generic x86 machine which I have left at v8.0.1.
I've just reverted back to 8.0.1 on the RPI3 and (fingers crossed) it now seems more stable.
Happy to try putting the RPI3 back to v8.0.2 and provide logs if someone could advise which logs to provide.
I'm finding that on my LibreELEC 8.0.1 installation I am unable to download the following file using wget:
MediaPC:~/downloads # wget repository.primaeval-0.0.2.zip
Connecting to github.com (
Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (
wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peerHowever, the same URL from my FF browser on my laptop works fine.
I find the same with other files on github too, and my machine seems incapable of auto-updating from some repositories because of this e.g. Zomboided for the OpenVPN addon.
I have a Generic x86_64 machine and also an RPI3 which are both running LE 8.0.1.
Both machines fail with the same error above when trying to download this file.Do some ssl packages need to be updated or something?
At the moment, whenever I find packages that won't update from the repos then I download the zip file manually via my laptop and sftp it across.
NOTED: This is a banned add-on - I actually only want to use this repository for the TV Guide Full Screen add-on which looks awesome.
Any thoughts?
James. -
so revert 1 is not working, revert 2 is working so the problem is somewhere between
okay going to build some images
Is it worth picking this back up? smp has confirmed that the issue is still present in kernel 4.11-rc4 so looks like it's not been fixed upstream.
I'm happy to do some more testing to help pinpoint the dodgy commit.
Official 8.0.1 RPi2 is still unusable for me. That's why I did a custom 8.0.1 with kernel 4.8.
I can only test the RPi2 builds. No idea what's going on with Generic builds, you will have to test those yourself.I've been using the generic build you supplied without media build and it's working perfect for me. I did try the official 8.0.1 release straight after it was released but the continuity counter errors returned. Hopefully someone will figure out what's been broken in the kernel that's being shipped with the official builds.
I compiled a Kodi 17.1 (final) builds for RPi2/3. Linux kernel 4.8.13, without and with media_build.Any chance of a build for Generic x86_64 ?
okay next try Index of /Test/dvbskys960/
1.1-1.3 there are still more than enough commits between
but somewhere we have to begin
I tried all 3 builds. However, these builds don't work whatsoever since Xorg fails to start with the following error in the logfile Xorg log: Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.so: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This morning I tried: LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0.0-rev1-6b5e09a.img.gz
This one still had the Continuity Counter errors - and infact they seemed to occur more regularly than with all the other 4.9 kernel-based builds I've tried (like every 10-20 seconds, rather than every 2-3 minutes).I'll try to find time at some point to test the other two.
I have just been testing: LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0.0-rev2-2937f37.img.gz
This one seems to resolve the issue - I've been playing a HD channel for over an hour now without any issues.
I'll continue running this build for the rest of the day just to be sure, but early indications are good. -
here are 3 versions (Generic) with partly reverted kernel 4.9
Index of /Test/dvbskys960/would be nice if someone could test it, if one of the images work it is much much easier to track down the faulty commit
This morning I tried: LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0.0-rev1-6b5e09a.img.gz
This one still had the Continuity Counter errors - and infact they seemed to occur more regularly than with all the other 4.9 kernel-based builds I've tried (like every 10-20 seconds, rather than every 2-3 minutes).I'll try to find time at some point to test the other two.
I'll play around with the code as you suggest when I get chance... in the meantime this link http://kodi.wiki/view/Window_IDsdoes seem to confirm your theory that Window ID's in the range of 10600-10699 are for various PVR functions - though it looks like 10600-10610 are the only ones currently assigned. Looking at that list, I wonder whether we may want to also add 10700 -10799?