I'm finding that on my LibreELEC 8.0.1 installation I am unable to download the following file using wget:
MediaPC:~/downloads # wget repository.primaeval-0.0.2.zip
Connecting to github.com (
Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (
wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer
However, the same URL from my FF browser on my laptop works fine.
I find the same with other files on github too, and my machine seems incapable of auto-updating from some repositories because of this e.g. Zomboided for the OpenVPN addon.
I have a Generic x86_64 machine and also an RPI3 which are both running LE 8.0.1.
Both machines fail with the same error above when trying to download this file.
Do some ssl packages need to be updated or something?
At the moment, whenever I find packages that won't update from the repos then I download the zip file manually via my laptop and sftp it across.
NOTED: This is a banned add-on - I actually only want to use this repository for the TV Guide Full Screen add-on which looks awesome.
Any thoughts?