Is this normal, or my S905X box has some problem?
Often written ....
1. problem = samba
2. problem = network
Try NFS mount and GBit USB network adapter -> jellyfish will play smooth @140mbit
Is this normal, or my S905X box has some problem?
Often written ....
1. problem = samba
2. problem = network
Try NFS mount and GBit USB network adapter -> jellyfish will play smooth @140mbit
My brain just can't stand any imperfections in some matters
You need another hardware - amlogic is just another word for imperfection
Some of you won't notice it at all. I've found only couple of files where it can be seen.
You are very, very sensitive.
A friend of mine is like You - his eyes are better than an electron microskope
Dead end here - krypton is final
Option: configure subtitle settings to default until kodi developer fixed it in leia
that’s main the reason, because of default setting there is no stuttering. If someone mess with subtitles settings in krpton then subtitles stuttering appears.
Why should i change subtitle settings ?
Subtitle font, color and size = default
I really don't encounter subtitle stuttering on our S905X boxes. 99 percent of the movies we watch have external .srt and it plays fine.
Confirm - 100% of my english videos have external(.srt) subtitles and playing fine on my S905X boxes - last video watched yesterday
I have a S912 running LE 8.2 - will do some tests later - S912 is currently rarely used
Ok. Then hopefully uhd hdr gets in kodi build for Xbox so o can use my Xbox one x for that hope that'snot a Fiat as well
I did not want to offend You.
Could You connect Your ext4 formated HDD to Your Xbox ?
Why not the easy way ?
Copy the contend of the HDD to backup spare(borrow a harddisk) - reformat ext4 to another format - solved and the FIAT becomes a Ferrari
My box cost 140 euros dunno how's that a fiat in today' tv boxes world?
Yes it is.
At this point, with all the explanations given, it should be clear that you're hitting the limitations of your box and that there's nothing left but accepting it.
But most users want to buy FIAT and like to drive as a Porsche
I have tried MrMC...would you say that this is as good as LibreElec on Mecool S912?
MrMc = KODI fork
My private and subjective opinion - MrMc running on Apple TV(4k) is better than every version of LE or KODI on android
for watching music and video.
If You need tons of plugins -> better use LE
Is there a way to fix this without ?
It´s the limitation of amlogic hardware and (old) amlogic kernel.
You need backup space to reformat
Currently I have it installed on a Samsung EVO+ SD card and I wonder if I should install it internal.Would it feel "snappier"?
It´s a nice fairy tail ....
Have a look -> [HOWTO] Boot from SD card, use internal memory for data
I am thinking of getting something else which is more stable. Any recommendations? I need pure LE/Kodi box. I use Apple TV for Apps. Thank you.
Most S905X boxes are stable - I own two S905X and one S912 - running 24/7 - no sleep/supend -> stable
Did You try a fresh install using a new, fast SD card ?
Apple TV is stable -> KODI on Apple TV -> MrMc
I will buy Apple TV 4k soon - best Hardware, best OS - but high price(I have to ask Jill)
Well even my ext4 formatted hdds that are attached to my rpi and router struggle. Dunno if it's the box or the installation
UHD isn´t supported by Raspberry.
FHD works @amlogic box
UHD works on NTFS HDD
UHD fails on ext4 HDD -> bottleneck could be USB2
Now You can wait if developers will work on this(could be a long time waiting), or use another format on Your external HDD´s
Recommended NTFS or exFat
The only issue i have is that I need to reboot to android to poweroff the box to have only the box powered off and not the AV receiver+TV.
You can configure CEC settings in LE - no need to reboot to Android
No no it is a 3Go because yes on the package it is written 3Go but also under android he sees good 3Go.
Beleive me or not.
There a many boxes with fakeram - android shows faked 3Gb - LE shows real 2Gb.
You can ask seller for a refund, or live with 2Gb(it´s enough for LE)
Why the 3g does not work anymore?
3g works if the box has real 3Gb memory
Some boxes are labeled 3Gb memory, but only have 2Gb -> Fakeram