Posts by melibokus

    To provide "predifined muxes" to TvHeadend which are currently not available in standard rollout use the following examples.


    Step by step

    • Open a terminal on your computer and connect via secure shell to LibreELEC/oerlie.

    Additional information from main blog entry copied here as main blog entry become to long:


    Known problems


    • TV and ODROID are both powered on by a switchable socket. Presumably ODROID is starting faster than the TV set. When TV screen shows Kodi the HDMI CEC is startet (pop up information) but CEC commands do not reach Kodi (no reaction). Reconnection of the TV (by means of the internal TV input selection menu) with Kodi solves the problem.
    • When LAN connection is interrupted (cable not plugged in) LibreELEC starts slow or fails to start.
    • When LAN connection is interrupted (cable not plugged in) TVheadend Service doesn't start up.



    • Why ODROID C2?
      Raspberry PI 3 didn't work ... see below.
    • Why not OpenELEC?
      Not tested but was behind LibreELEC development stage in 12/2016
    • Why not OSMC?
      Tested shortly but installation and handling didn't reach the elegance of LibreELEC. Though it would be probably much simpler with OSMC to experiment without having an external build environment alongside.
    • Why Geniatech T230?
      It was available 12/2016. It was outlined as available in Linux kernel from 3.19. Unfortunately I didn't know at this time that I had to change from Raspberry PI to ODROID C2 with the older kernel 3.14.
      Some other USB tuners (Haupauge, Terratec Cinergy) seemed to be more expensive (+ some 20 €). Also there were some cheaper DVBT sticks (about 20€) available. Finally the Geniatech/August was some kind of a compromise and decided with a major lack of relevant technical background.

    Trouble shooting


    • Get into the engines room of LibreELEC


    • Suddenly there is no sound
      Probably you muted the KODI output. Internet says use F8 key to unmute, with Apple keyboard it was F12, but no idea how to get it back with the remote control or some KODI menu entry.
    • How fast ist my SD card or is my SD card fast enough?


    • Was the DVBT stick recognized by Linux?


    LibreELEC (Leia) v8.95.1 BETA – LibreELEC

    scroll down to DVB Drivers: there are two pics where you can find it

    Ok, thanks CvH, warum auch immer es vorher nicht funktioniert hat (vermutlich blind oder Tomaten) - ich hab die Treiber jetzt gefunden!

    I experienced the following:

    • "LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-8.95.001.img" comprises the DVB-Driver addon out of the box, i.e. there is no need to install it separately:
      Main menu > Addons > Program-Addons > LibreELEC Module Drivers > alternative selections are [LE Standard Treiber | DVB drivers for TBS | DVB drivers from latest kernel]
      The the above mentioned DVB-stick "Geniatech T230 aka August T210" was and is available/usable with LE standard drivers on Raspberry PI and tunes DVB-T2 via its Silicon Labs Si2168 tuner. The formerly problematic DVB-stick "Astrometa DVB-T2" is meanwhile also available/usable with LE standard drivers on Raspberry PI and tunes DVB-T2 via its Panasonic MN88473 tuner. Its Realtek RTL2832 tuner is also available, but does not tune DVB-T2 so far in my environment.
    • "LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.arm-8.95.001.img" also comprises the DVB-Driver addon out of the box, i.e. there is no need to install it separately (though for unknown reasons I didn't found it after first install immediately):
      Main menu > Addons > Program-Addons > LibreELEC Module Drivers > alternative selections are [LE Standard Treiber | DVB drivers for TBS] {DVB drivers from latest kernel - missing}
      On Odroid C2 with "LE Standard Treiber" from DVB-stick "Astrometa DVB-T2" only the Realtek RTL2832 Tuner is available but does not tune DVB-T2. With "DVB drivers for TBS" and "Geniatech T230 aka August T210" DVB-T2 works via Silicon Labs Si2168 tuner.


    1. Install "LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-8.95.001.img" or "LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.arm-8.95.001.img" depending on your hardware.
    2. In case of Odroid C2 and "Geniatech T230 aka August T210" choose:
      Main menu > Addons > Program-Addons > LibreELEC Module Drivers > DVB drivers for TBS
    3. Odroid C2 and "Astrometa DVB-T2" did not work with my configuration.
    4. You can simplify MUX/channel tuning (as described in the original post) using the following proceeding:


    ... in addition, add the channel symbols

    As latest test with the two usb sticks described above, Odroid and "standard" LibreELEC 8.95 failed, this is my suggestion for a workaround with IPTV.



    • Vollständige LibreElec/Kodi Konfiguration von Null.
    • Reproduzierbare Programmreihenfolge (im Server, durch entsprechnde Reigenfolge in der m3u-Datei)
    • Kodi Kontextmenü über rote Fernbedienungstaste aktivieren.
    • Keine EPG :(
    • Der Forums-Editor lässt die englischen Wörter für Gesundheit und Schönheit nicht durch. Deshalb musste ich zwei Programme aus der Liste unten "maskieren". Vor Übernahme (Kopieren/Einfügen) wieder richtig schreiben (x-en weglassen).

    Die Beschreibung ist diesmal auf deutsch und hier zum sequentiellen abarbeiten bzw. kopieren eingefügt.



    • Zeilen die mit # beginnen sind Kommentare bzw enthalten Anweisungen für Aktionen auf der graphischen Benutzeroberfläche von Kodi bzw. TvHeadend.
    • Alle anderen Zeilen enthalten Befehle die 1:1 kopiert und in die Kommandozeile eines Terminals eingefügt werden, um abgearbeitet zu werden. Ggf. muss der jeweilige Befehl durch Eingabe von <enter> abgeschlossen werden.
    • Mehrere aufeinanderfolgende Zeilen ohne # werden en bloc kopiert und in die Kommandozeile des Terminals eingefügt. Ggf. muss der jeweilige Befehl durch Eingabe von <enter> abgeschlossen werden.
    • Das kopieren von Zeilen mit # in das Terminal ist unschädlich.


    Currently I work on the migration of my installation to libreelec 9 alpha, where some rework on the former IPTV pipe solution is needed, as ffmpeg which was available with libreelec 8 directory /usr/bin is currently not available with libreelec 9 alpha (but probably in future as mentioned in this post by CvH) .

    My solution is inspiered on the kodinerds m3u lists and uses the ffmpeg binary from ffmpeg-tools addon as suggested by CvH below. Two commands have to by issued on command line interface:

    • cd ~/downloads
    • wget
    • sed s/usr/'storage\/.kodi\/addons\/tools.ffmpeg-tools'/g kn-pipe-tv >kn-pipe-tv-adapted

    Finally add/change in tvheadend IPTV server configuration (port 9981) under

    • >Configuration>DVB Inputs>Networks>[network] Edit>
    • URL: file:///storage/downloads/kn-pipe-tv-adapted

    In addition a configuration hint as I assumed today (after switch to winter time last night) some time trouble.

    Time server is configured with libreelec configuration using the service of the Physiskalisch-Technische-Bundesanstalt:

    • >Einstellungen/Configuration>Libreeelec>Einstellungen>Netzwerk>Zeitserver (NTP)
    • Erster Zeitserver:
    • Zweiter Zeitserver:
    • Dritter Zeitserver:

    Hi Mickey450,

    unfortunately I was not working on oerlie project intensively in the last months and am not up to date with solutions for the ODROID TV-stick driver topic.

    My current working solution uses the latest Raspberry PI 3 B+ as tvheadend server, where the USB stick runs out of the box. ODROID is only the tvheadend client in order to have its hvec decoding capability available. By the way due to lates improvements in libreelec software and Raspberry PI 3 B+ increased computing power a configuration with Raspberry PI 3 B+ only is near to day2day useabilty. Last remaining problem is some judder (ger: ruckeln) eg. with landscape pans (Landschaftschwenks, d.h. bei schnellen Bildbewegungen, auf deutsch wär's doch einfacher:-).

    Zurzeit plane ich wieder tiefer einzusteigen, wenn libereelec 9 bereit ist. Auf dem Raspi migriere ich gerade dahin (kämpfe aber noch mit IPTV).

    I currently plan to proceed with the project when libereelec 9 is available. I moved to libreelec 9 alpha 8.90.6 on Raspi, but struggle with IPTV implementation.

    ... Raspberry Text from original Blog entry had to copied here, as text became to long:

    Raspberry PI 3

    Same configuration like with ODROID C2 but with this changes

    LibreELEC v8.0.1.MR



    Before v8.0.1 MR while playing DVB-T2 top showed

    - Load is high ("load average: 4.38", should presumably be below 4 on the 4 core ARM CPU of the Raspi)

    - CPU utilization near 90% (see %Cpu0..3 .") but there are also still idle times "8.1 id to 10.5 id"

    - SD card mass storage seems to be no bottleneck as no wait IOs can be seen "0.0 wa"

    - also memory seems to be sufficient "326940 free" and no swapping "0 total"


    With v8.0.1 MR this changed to

    - Load is lower ("load average: 3.60", should presumably be below 4 on the 4 core ARM CPU of the Raspi)

    - CPU utilization about 50% (see %Cpu0..3 .") and respective idle times "~40 id"

    - SD card and memory unchanged.

    - Main Processor temperatur is mostly above 80°C and below 85°C


    top - 16:20:00 up 2 min, 1 user, load average: 3.46, 1.45, 0.55

    Tasks: 143 total, 1 running, 142 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie

    %Cpu0 : 49.3 us, 4.2 sy, 0.2 ni, 42.5 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 3.9 si, 0.0 st

    %Cpu1 : 51.5 us, 4.5 sy, 0.4 ni, 43.6 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st

    %Cpu2 : 53.2 us, 6.4 sy, 0.9 ni, 39.5 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.1 si, 0.0 st

    %Cpu3 : 51.6 us, 5.1 sy, 0.2 ni, 43.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.1 si, 0.0 st

    KiB Mem : 753328 total, 376012 free, 181224 used, 196092 buff/cache

    KiB Swap: 0 total, 0 free, 0 used. 516376 avail Mem


    537 root 20 0 873800 163204 32512 S 217.2 21.7 4:10.68 kodi.bin

    512 root 20 0 332608 27128 9076 S 7.6 3.6 0:11.31 tvheadend

    107 root 1 -19 0 0 0 S 1.4 0.0 0:01.44 VCHIQ-0

    770 root 20 0 2820 1656 1444 R 0.3 0.2 0:00.22 top

    LibreELEC:~ # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq


    LibreELEC:~ # cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp


    LibreELEC:~ # vcgencmd measure_temp



    Next step test over clocking (to be done) ...

    mount -o remount,rw /flash

    vi /flash/config.txt

    # where changed







    # current main processor frequency

    cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq

    # maximum main processor frequency

    cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq

    # current main processor temperatur

    vcgencmd measure_temp

    # current main processor temperatur

    cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp


    Deprecated Stuff

    Bluetooth keyboard (apple)

    Keyboard is needed to get wifi connection running, to avoid timeout [Error: Invalid arguments] with WPA key input. As no wifi is available on ODROID C2 and also bluetooth is missing this is not an issue.


    twokay: ich verstehe nicht wirklich was nicht funktioniert ...


    Die Einstellung bei mir für z.B. DasErste HD in TVheadend Server Konfigurationsmaske erreichbar über den rowser mit http://<ip-adresse>:9981

    Konfiguration -> DVB-Inputs -> Muxes


    Dort ist der Mux 482 MHz für "DasErste HD" ausgewählt -> Bearbeiten zeigt:


    Floyd42 sorry for the late answer. Your completely right. Raybuntu's libreelec addon repository which is compiled into wrxtasy's media build is no longer available. wrxtasy provided the following workaround with the original blog post:


    It's because RB has moved the 32bit LE Addons Repository I also use for media_build to Github, and I have not compiled a new media_build version to point to this new Repo.

    However in the mean time, you can install this new GitHub Addon Repo manually, just used Addons > install from .zip

    I would suggest to proceed this way:

    • Open a ssh shell on Odroid C2: ssh root@<ip-address>
    • wget
    • Change to Kodi Gui on TV
    • Select AddOns>"open box" in the upper left corner>install from zip file>home directory>
    • Navigate to AddOns>Install from repository>RB Backup Add-ons>PVR clients>TVheadend HTSP client (Tvheadend HTSP Client, no further configuration needed).
    • Navigate to AddOns>Install from repository>RB Backup Add-ons>Services>TVheadend 4.2 and install (Tvheadend 4.2 Server, heavy further configuration needed, but none with the GUI you are just working with).
    • continue as described above

    Original post is also updated with these advices.
    Hope this helps!

    Unfortunately, this did not work for me, The "LibreELEC Add-on" repo cannot be accessed, so there is not TV server and client that can be installed. Did the URLs change?

    Can you please provide some additional information:
    1. What is the exact error message?
    2. At which step in the above instruction the problem occurs?
    3. Is there an error message in the kodi.log?


    Same problem with me.
    Configuration: odroid c2; Realtek DVBT USB Stick; LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.aarch64-8.0.0.img.gz
    (see also project örlie)
    In sum it seems the DVB device is not correctly addressed by the involved software.
    Highly speculative: Probably the deeper reason is some 32/64 bit incompatibility of the respective ioctl? function FE_GET_PROPERTY similar as described by Pavel Troller
    Error Messages

    • TVHeadend: [ ERROR] linuxdvb: Realtek RTL2832 (DVB-T) : DVB-T #0 - DTV_CLEAR failed [e=Bad address]
    • dvb_fe_tool: ERROR FE_GET_PROPERTY: Bad address
    • lsusb: can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable
    • With dmesg: none

    Info on stick: LinuxTV-Wiki; Antti's LinuxTV Blog: Teardown
    Notifiable messages are taken above the boxes and outlined bold.
    What is my system?

    What about the USB-stick?

    Bus 001 Device 003: ID 15f4:0131 HanfTek

    "can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable"


    Is the adapter installed properly?
    Get dmesg information, adapt below output selection to your situation by select appropriate grep terms


    ls -la /dev/dvb/adapter*
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root           120 Feb 17 12:46 .
    drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root            60 Feb 17 12:46 ..
    crw-rw----    1 root     video     212,   4 Feb 17 12:46 demux0
    crw-rw----    1 root     video     212,   5 Feb 17 12:46 dvr0
    crw-rw----    1 root     video     212,   3 Feb 17 12:46 frontend0
    crw-rw----    1 root     video     212,   7 Feb 17 12:46 net0

    Additional investigation with DVB-tools installed from dvb addon in libreelec/program repository:

    "ERROR FE_GET_PROPERTY: Bad address"

    "DEBUG POST BER not available"

    "Problem retrieving frontend information: Operation not supported"

    cd ~/.kodi/addons/virtual.dvb-tools/bin
    FE: Realtek RTL2832 (DVB-T) (DVBT)
    Problem retrieving frontend information: Operation not supported
    status       | signal 0000 | snr 0000 | ber 0000ffff | unc 88000250 |


    TVHeadend 4.2 service protocol. It can also be shown in TVHeadend configuration window (http at port: 9981) at bottom bar (open in lower right corner).
    "[ ERROR] linuxdvb: Realtek RTL2832 (DVB-T) : DVB-T #0 - DTV_CLEAR failed [e=Bad address]"

    more ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/service.log
    2017-02-25 16:31:05.095 [ NOTICE] START: HTS Tvheadend version 4.1.2415 ~ LibreELEC Tvh-addon v8.1.109 started, running as PID:750 UID:0 GID:39, CWD:/ CNF:/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42
    2017-02-25 16:34:42.393 [   INFO] mpegts: 858MHz in DVB-T Netzwerk - tuning on Realtek RTL2832 (DVB-T) : DVB-T #0
    2017-02-25 16:34:42.393 [  ERROR] linuxdvb: Realtek RTL2832 (DVB-T) : DVB-T #0 - DTV_CLEAR failed [e=Bad address]

    Experiments with manual activation of drivers where not successful, i.e. had no positive effect

    Probably someone else knows more. At this point I am "at the end with my latin" (German phrase: at my wit's end ;)

    Ja habe den Odroid C2.
    Vielleicht wurde er zu heiß letztens, jetzt geht es problemlos und der Ton ist maximal 250ms verschoben, vermutlich eher um die 75-100ms.

    Na prima, dann wir ja schon mal zu zweit.

    Proceeding to correct the Audio/Video offset is:

    • When watching TV press OK on remote control
    • Select the toothed wheel in the lower right corner (mouseover "Settings")
    • Select Audio and subtitle settings
    • Change Audio offset
    • Select close

    Danke für die Anleitung ersteinmal!


    Also ich habe es nach Anleitung gemacht und sehe auch die Sender. Leider stoppt das Playback immer so nach 10 Sekunden bis 1,5 Minuten. Kann es am DVBT-Signal liegen

    ich denke nein.
    Ist das Verhalten bei DVB-T2 und DVB-T Sendern gleich?

    oder bzw. läuft es bei dir auch längere Zeit durch?

    ja, den ganzen Abend.

    Und kann man den Soundoffset irgendwie korrigieren?

    ja, aber nur mit einem festen Wert. Damit lässt sich das zu langsame Dekodieren des Bildsignals nicht ausgleichen. Bild und Ton laufen vermutlich mit immer größer werdendem zeitabstand auseinander.
    Die Lösung wäre in diesem Fall: Fernsehsendung aufnehmen, dann "offline" dekodieren bzw. umkodieren z.B. nach H.264 was dann auch deutlich länger als die Laufzeit des Films/Beitrags dauern würde und anschließend abspielen. Das ist dann aber nicht mehr das, was man ortsüblich "fernsehen" nennt.

    Edit: Wenn ich die Sender an meinem Rechner mittels VLC abspiele (TVHeadEnd läuft vom Odroid), ist der Sound passend und die Sender brechen auch nicht ab. Ist der Odroid vielleicht zu schwach um selbst TVheadend zu laufen und dabei zu gucken?

    Denke nein, meiner ist stark genug für beide - Server und Client. Wir reden aber von ODROID C2 ?!
    Bei meinen Versuchen mit dem Raspberry PI 3 habe ich das gleiche Fehlerbild: Video und Audio laufen mehrere Sekunden auseinander und es bricht nach einiger Zeit ab. Gleichzeitig ist die CPU Auslastung nahe 100%.
    Was sagen das "kodi.log" und die Systemauslastung, wenn der Fehler auftritt?

    # start secure shell on ODROID/LibreELEC
    # Example: ssh [email protected]
    # Password: le
    ssh root@<ip ODROID>
    # start log to be permanently displayed on screen, stop with "crtl c"
    tail -f .kodi/temp/kodi.log
    # Display system performance parameters, hit key "1" after start to display each CPU individually

    Example on System performance of ODROID C2 on 13.02.2017 while viewing DVB-T2 HEVC coded program ZDF HD "Spreewaldkrimi" while detective investigates in the forest ...

    Nice detailed post there melibokus !

    Glad its all working. :)

    me too ;)

    Question are these Geniatech T230 - Single or Dual tuners ?

    I can't discuss this on a par with you. My level currently is about "it's one single silver USB stick". As far as I digged into it, it's capable to receive DVBT and DVBC signals. Both "tuners" can be seen in TVHeadend server configuration menu. I presume there is only one DVBT Tuner on board as only one is shown with TVHeadend server configuration. The Stick is already described in Linux-TV DVB Hardware.

    One suggestion is to post up this Linux-TV DVB Hardware info page for future reference:
    Hardware device information - LinuxTVWiki

    It's already there Geniatech 230. there was a wrong link in the original post now corrected.

    This old list of DVB Tuners should help as well for those on the hunt for possible DVB tuners:
    Supported TV Tuners - OpenELEC

    The stick I use is one of them ...GeniatechT2300572:c688YesUSBC/T/T2Supported since OE 5.0.1. Also known as August T210v2 or MyGica T230.2015-02-03

    CvH needs to be thanked here for providing backported media_build & DVB driver support for LibreELEC platforms and kszaq for 32bit AML DVB Kernel bug busting.

    Ja natürlich, dann geht der Dank auch zu CvH von Hessen nach Sachsen
    and also to kszaq somewhere out there ;)

    Oh and for those shopping for ODROID C2's in Europe. I've noticed does some decent package deals.

    ... yes, I meanwhile provided my sources of supply with the original post. While checking situation now, only four weeks after I bought the stuff, most of the suppliers have the products no longer on stock. Pollin seems currently to be sold out 02/2017 (Artikel wird schnellstmöglich nachgeliefert).

    Thanks for your hints. I wondered how to identify TV live stream parameters but a recording gave me the discouraging result 1920x1080:

    Input #0, mpegts, from 'hd.ts':
      Duration: 00:01:17.87, start: 51068.958489, bitrate: 3621 kb/s
      Program 769
          service_name    : Das Erste HD
          service_provider: MEDIA BROADCAST
        Stream #0:0[0x551]: Video: hevc (Main) ([36][0][0][0] / 0x0024), yuv420p(tv, bt709), 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 50 fps, 50 tbr, 90k tbn, 50 tbc
        Stream #0:1[0x552](deu): Audio: aac (LC) ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 255 kb/s
        Stream #0:2[0x553](mis): Audio: aac (LC) ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 129 kb/s
        Stream #0:3[0x556](deu): Subtitle: dvb_teletext ([6][0][0][0] / 0x0006)

    Currently DVB-T2 HEVC runs but video is seconds behind audio and every 30 s there is a short interrupt with some kind of buffer flushing and video player restart: