Posts by niabi

    First of all, thank you very much for all the work you done.

    I spent some time today setting all up (added NFS automount to, indexed some folders, added C64) all without major issues.

    I did run into one issue, and that is that I wanted to add Atari ST and Commodore Amiga options as well, but these cores are not in this version.

    I was thinking of just copying over the cores from the current Lakka for S905, but i suspect there is something more involved.

    Anybody have experience with adding cores ?

    You can just copy the cores (to /tmp/cores), or you can go into retroarch and download the cores from the "load core" menu if they are available. I have no experience with those cores so I am not sure if something else is needed (like bios, or gamepad/keyboard setup, etc) .

    Then you will have to edit the es_systems.cfg if you want them to show in Emulationstation. The Commodore Amiga core is installed, its just not added to es_systems.cfg

    Using the Wiki I did everything but when I check status...

    the "***" is my pass.

    It seems that I am on the right path but there is something that I can't with my serve

    Have you tried with //NORMANDYSERVER/roms instead of \\NORMANDYSERVER\roms ?


    as you have a package and a version that is not at our git tree at all :)

    Yeah sorry I forgot to mention that part. Its not an official build. I only posted the "important" parts of the package to keep the post shorter, but I figured passing CFLAGS would be the same, or why in this case is not working at all.

    edited to show the full

    are you sure you use LibreELEC at all?

    If make distclean (kills all you builddirs) and then build again won't work pls report it to the git repo that you are using.

    Not sure what you mean by that, but yes I am sure I am using LibreELEC.

    anyways I figured it out, but now I have a different problem

    undefined reference to `glBlendEquationSeparateOES

    which I guess is not really a LibreELEC problem.

    I am trying to compile attract-mode for the amlogic s905, but its driving me crazy, I successfully compiled SFML which is required for Attract, but attract is failing with

    Searching around I found that you need to include -mfloat-abi-hard to the compiler flags, but its just not working, this is my package:

    Is there something I am missing ?


    niabi Hello and thanks for this!

    I have installed your image at nand and works very fine! But sometimes I am a little comfortable and I would like to be able to read the roms from my server.

    They are in \\NORMANDYSERVER\roms, but adding that path to the es_systems.cfg file doesn't detect anything, the sx05reroms file is there, trying rebooting but no success

    I've been reading something about mounting the unit in samba, but I'm a denier with linux and I'm a little confuse... How should I proceed to read the folder where the roms are? I suppose that in retroarch I could also explore this folder and choose to save the states there to continue them on my pc for example?

    Thanks again for this!

    Unfortunately I am not that familiar with samba on linux. but reading up a bit it seems you need to mount it first, try with this (I copied it from Google)

    mv /storage/roms /storage/roms2
    smbmount "\\\\NORMANDYSERVER\\roms" -U rtg2t -c 'mount /storage/roms -u 500 -g 100'

    That should hopefully mount your shared in the rom path that ES is looking for, hopefully you won't need to change any other setting.

    The script to detect roms is not enabled for samba, as it would make it extremely hard to detect the shares (I think) but if someone knows how to enable it I would love to see code for that.

    I've added it to github but in the meantime if you want to add it yourself you need to SSH into your box and then

    nano /storage/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg

    and add this:

    <fullname>Commodore 64</fullname>
    <extension>.c64 .C64 .zip .ZIP</extension>
    <command>/usr/bin/retroarch -L /tmp/cores/ %ROM%</command>

    Thanks for your answer and great work, niabi.

    Well I decided to try a megadrive rom and the system detected it without any problem but not c64. Then I went in es_sytems.cfg and could not find any C64 system with it's own path. This mean I will always have to pass by retroarch to play C64 games?

    Well if its not there you could always add it. I will add it for the next release, do you know the core for c64 games ?


    Sorry to ask a basic question here. First time I install sx05re on my ki plus. Actually I'd like to try running some C64 roms. After dropping games in the ROM folder, nothing is detected by ES or PEGASUS after booting. I did look for some instructions, read me files or such and could not find any. As I recalled, in retropie or lakka there are allocated folders for every emulators. But it is not the case here so I'd be glad if someone could point me out some relevant links or tell me how to start/shrug


    You need to put them in /storage/roms/c64 you can use Samba for this or if you prefer you can set up a USB with your roms and add a file named sx05reroms to the where they are, e.g. :







    if you use the USB method make sure to reboot when you insert it.

    will there be any sort of hyperpie/attactmode looking builds in the future?

    I tried compiling Attractmode, after a long time of fiddling around with SFML I finally got it to compile, but then the actual attractmode will not compile and can't find a solution anywhere :/

    HyperPie is AFAIK not open source, but I think its made specifically for the PI using its GPU, which is not compatible with mali. Unless I am missing something.

    Edit: I was thinking of hyperspin, but anyways I just saw a video on HyperPi and no, I would not be adding anything like that, it looks painfully slow, I rather find/use a lightweight front end that displays just the right amount of data.