Posts by niabi

    Yeah Sx05RE works pretty well for the most part, and as I said I am not leaving the project to die, I will still try to fix the remaining issues, but as you guys know LE 8.2 for Amlogic is not really being maintained anymore so there will be no more updates to the Kodi side.

    But in the future I might work more on the Lakka build as it fits better for my needs.

    but don't worry Sx05RE is not dead :)

    I have an announcement for anyone interested.

    LibreElec focus is not on emulation nor games, they focus on getting Kodi working as best as possible, which they made an excellent job at!

    Some changes from 1.6.5 to 1.8.3 seem to have broken a lot of stuff, and its very time consuming for someone like me to test each and every commit to LE to see if I need to change stuff around or fix other stuff. in This case advmame will be removed since there are a LOT of commits from one version to the other that broke it. I love advmame and I would love to keep it but its just not possible for me right now.

    The same goes for BT, unless I can find an easy way to fix it. which is a shame as I know a lot of people rather use BT for the game pad.

    But guys remember my focus was getting Emulationstation working along with other emulators and Lakka on the S905, I don't take credit for a lot of what made Sx05RE work, I don't even ask for donations or recognition since I know the real hard work was made by other guys, but I think I made a good job at getting everything working (sort of) together.

    The Lakka team have focused themselves on getting emulation working on these devices, and everything there works perfectly (BT, advmame, ES, PPSSPP, etc) and since I don't use Kodi at all, I am thinking of just moving everything to Lakka even if that means loosing Kodi, I know most of the people that use Sx05RE use if for Kodi first and games second, but its just getting to hard to maintain for a guy that knows very little about how linux/LE works and mostly works by trial and error, pair that with a crappy laptop that takes about 8 hours to compile one version from scratch and you get a lot of wasted time trying to get one thing fixed.

    If you focus is sing Kodi first you can always "installtointernal", and use a SD card to boot to Sx05RE when you feel like you want to play some games, or there are now other options like the IARL that work on the S905.

    That said, I will still try to fix the remaining bugs on 1.8.3 but my focus will now be moved to Lakka.

    It seems a lot of the commits made to LE have broken (or changed) a lot of stuff regarding emulation. advmame does not work anymore, BT works on some devices, etc, etc.

    I am trying to figure this one out :/

    Just tried it, but it doesn't work

    well you are correct, the scraper is returning a funky directory, in my case is ./.nstation unfortunately I don't know how to fix this as I cant find a reason why this is happening. I don't recommend using the included scraper anyways since it never really works. a workaround would be to use GitHub - sselph/scraper: A scraper for EmulationStation written in Go using hashing the rpi2 version even works on the s905 without a problem.

    I have been doing some test. The problem with 1.8.3 is the image route on gamelist.xml when you scrape from the menu, in 1.8.2 the route begins with

    "<image>~/.emulationstation/downloaded_images/" but on 1.8.3 it begins with "<image>./station/downloaded_images/"

    As for controll maping problem, I don't know.

    Interesting... I am going to have to check on the ES source for any changes.

    can you go into ssh and try to create a symlink, like this:

    ln -s /storage/.emulationstation /storage/.station

    and see if that fixes the problem?

    Hi. I have another problem, I downloaded scrapers from ES menu and everything works fine, I can see the game cover and description, BUT when I leave ES to Kodi or shutdown/restart the system, the game covers dissapear despite the images are still on downloaded_images folder and the gamelist.xml is still on gamelist folder

    Edit: I just tried Sx095RE 1.8.2 and it works without problems, so there is some bugs on 1.8.3 (game cover dissapear and ps3 controller button mapping problem)

    I will check this, I don't really use the included scrapper, but I do recall there is an option to not write the XML on exit, maybe its not enabled on 1.8.3

    Edit: <bool name="SaveGamelistsOnExit" value="false" /> on es_settings.xml you need to change this to value="true"

    Hi Mxqproject, yeah I installed the backup you made as it seemed to be the only way of getting something similar to Sx05RE working on an S912 as I said I can run games from Retroarch but trying to launch ES2 just reboots Kodi, if you could make an updated build for an S912 that would be awesome. Àlso what happened to the ScottELEC build that was announced, is that still ongoing.

    If you have a S912 its really not that hard to add Sx05RE to the source code, It was very difficult at the start since I didn't knew anything about LE, Lakka didn't really existed for the S905 and there was one other build doing it, that I knew off, but it was not to my liking. But I already did the research and heavy lifting and it is now mostly just moving a whole folder and enabling it on the project. I don't have any other boxes (and no plans to get any soon) so I can't officially test them or support them, but if you are willing I can help you enabling it.

    That's a shame, speaking of emulator issues, I was compiling from the latest updates earlier today and the Sameboy core won't build properly, kept getting a 'No rule make target' error due to something missing, I ended up rolling back to an earlier version.

    Also Reicast is having problems detecting Joypads, out of nowhere it started recognising my Xbox 360 wired controller then the next time it launched it stopped working. I was able to get it working by using

    ls -l /dev/input/by-id

    And determining which Event the joypad was connected to, then setting it manually in the emu.cfg, obviously this isn't ideal, not sure how to resolve it though, I assumed it would be automatic and grab the controller config from EmulationStation like the Pi version allegedly does.

    Retropi is a beast on its own, Sx05RE is not even close to being there, is has its own internal scripts to modify the emulators configuration and set up the controllers like that.

    On other news, something along the way broke Advancemame, it loads half of the time but gamepad/sound does not work :/ the other half of the time is just a black screen. I have no idea what broke it or how long its been broken, I'll see if I can fix it, otherwise as much as I love Advmame I might just change to a Libretro core.

    The PE release looks amazing, gave it a quick look yesterday.

    I have dropped back to ES as shall have to wait until the DS4 pad bug is squashed at the source (my main control pad).

    I shall build a USB stick version of v1.8.3PE to have a play with though. Reicast has it's own DS4 mapping scheme that should work nicely at least.

    Does anyone on here have any suggestions/success in getting the PE build configured to fully use with a Dualshock 4 pad?

    I compiled the Pegasus edition for S805 the other day to have a look at it, it launches up but wasn't able to navigate games etc, was allowing me to open up menus but that's about it, it looks like it's a really interesting front-end and can be customised a lot, hopefully I can figure it out.

    Pegasus is in very early development, I think there is an issue open in Github about PS4 pads (or other pads) not working, but I just think the front end is amazing for our devices since its VERY fast, it loads in less than 1 minute with 6000+ ROMS with all metadata, vs about 5 or 6 minutes for ES.

    Its certainly not ready to be the main FE but right now it is working for me with the Xbox pad and it is the one I use :) but the ES version is still the "master" version and it will not go anywhere.

    Hi, Tried installing on an s912 but it hangs at the sx095re logo screen, it resizes the partition successfully then reboots but just sticks on the logo screen, I used the pre built version, but was wondering if there a certain way to compile for a s912 box.

    Many Thanks

    I don't think this will work on a S912 unfortunately, and I don't own a S912 box to try and implemente it :( Sorry