Display Moreky41083 Read the following links.
There are some points regarding Mac Addresses.
Tip get this app details?id=com.overlook.android.fing&hl=en
Very handy in getting info on the devices on your network.
You may have to open a new thread if you still have issues outside of the ones in link.
I'm on auto settings on router 80MHz / Channel 149 which works.
I will open a new thread if / when I get time. My AP is a Ubiquiti UAP-AC-LR with latest stable firmware, 5GHz channel 42 (36,+1) VHT80. My wireless NIC MAC is persistent between reboots and Android. Verified by static DHCP address correct no matter what is booted and when.
Info given simply to help others seeing the same issue. Any troubleshooting beyond this, we should open another thread. Thanks!