Display MoreYes, I can mount first partition using "sudo udevil mount /dev/loop2p1" and I get this output: Mounted /dev/loop2p1 at /media/root/LAKKA
Also I can mount the second one "sudo udevil mount /dev/loop2p2" and I get this one: Mounted /dev/loop2p2 at /media/root/LAKKA_DISK
What I can not get is how to browse "/media/root/..." since it is a forbidden folder...
Also I don't understand this step (or what path I should I use):
"udevil —mount /media/LIBREELEC/SYSTEM"
UPDATE: another issue I see is what I need is to browse or unzip "SYSTEM" file that is in the fat32 partition... I tried a couple of windows apps to browse linux drives and always get stuck when trying to "enter" SYSTEM file, that is inside 0.fat if I unzip the image. When I try to do the same with the Lakka image for Generic devices I can extract that "SYSTEM" file and browse inside it, the problem is with Raspberry images.... Si I guess if I can mount and browse any of the partitions, maybe that "SYSTEM" file is not available, since Lakka need an installation first boot to expand and get all files as it needs... this is just my guess...
sorry for my noobness
You can mount the SYSTEM file directly, so in case of Lakka, the mount command to get the root filesystem would be:
# udevil --mount /media/LAKKA/SYSTEM
There is no such thing as a "forbidden folder", and Lakka does not do anything differently from LibreELEC. The SYSTEM file is a filesystem (squashfs) that is mountable by the kernel. It's not expanded on boot or install, it's mounted.