Posts by Shoog

    Its a niche market you are looking at. 99.9% of all these boxes will be used as clients for a DVB server or simply as a IP streaming/media viewer. The market share would just be so small that no one would put in the effort of making one. The best you can hope for is a Mecool Ki or a VIM2 with VTV, or one of the WETEK's - and then add a USB CI-Slot for that functionality.

    If you wait you will probably die before your request is met.


    Shoog, I just edited post #207. If you could help with that question...

    You can have as many commands as you like in the file. Each command needs to be on its own line.
    I use it to force performance governor on all CPU cores.

    Basically each line is executed as if it was a seperate bash command, I suppose the only thing to be careful of is making certain the commands are in the correct order. nano is a great easy to use editor for modifying config files.

    That looks right.


    Shoog, is this a general command for any remote, or specific to yours. I have the same issues with the OK button and the arrow keys on my Mecool Pro+ and Abox Max. Hit the arrow key quickly several times quickly and the remote will overshoot a lot. These remotes worked really well on


    This is specific to my VIM2 remote, but you can try it on any box.

    The first number is the most critical for me since its the delay before it starts looking for a repeat. The second is the repeat interval.

    Simply go into you box via SSH and issue the command. The settings will take effect immediately without the need for a reboot and they will stick between reboots. Mess with the two numbers (in approximately the same ratio as mine) until you get the response you want, do this going from your PC SSH terminal and your box testing the effects of issuing the command each time.

    The reason that it all worked in is because that build used the AMlogic based system that the box came with so if you had the original box config file for the remote it would work as it did in Android (mostly). In this build it is using the Linux kernel based system which is universal to all Linux based systems and so needs fine tuning to your specific remote.


    The VIM is just about the best hardware package out there, but support is poor. It would be a piece of junk (or an android toy) for practical purposes if it wasn't for the CE team.

    However in your particular case you flashed an incompatible ROM onto your VIM1 which always runs the risk of an irrecoverable hard brick and the Khadas team tried to help you.


    Don't blame user error on the software, Samba is definitely reliable (used it in professional settings for years).

    • Samba is a bitch to cross-compile for different platforms so different versions of Kodi run different samba (smbclient) versions. AFAIK both MacOS and Android are still on 4.1 while Linux (depending on distro) will have newer things available - LE is using current versions and is quite advanced in this respect. Other iOS apps may use different SMB libs and not Samba or OS native functions. macOS uses its own SMB stack not Samba although there are legacy references to conf files. Combined .. it's a mucking fess.

    Simple SMB Question

    I beg to differ, getting a stable reliable SAMBA setup to run on Opensuse has been an ongoing ordeal for years, and I am not the only one who says so. It is my experience that it breaks on just about every upgrade. Keeping various computers running various OS's into a stable configuration is a nightmare.


    That's not been my experience with libreelec / openelec.

    I've also edited directly in ubuntu in the past without any issues.

    I think its a Opensuse issue related to their "business" level security policies.

    Its a reality I have had to grapple with for years since plugging in any external storage often blocks write access because ROOT takes ownership by default. Not at all user friendly.

    However, in hindsight it would have been a damn sight easier to use SSH and copy the files that way.


    Opensuse has some ridiculous security settings. If you plug in some hard drives in a user session it will allocate that HDD to the Root user and then only allow the user to read the hard drive. It has taken me lots of digging to get a plugged in HDD to mount to the user as owner.

    Hence why plugging in a Libreelec SD card into a Opensuse session will block write access. Strangely because the SYSTEM partition is FAT it allows full access to that.


    Final word. You should be able to access the SD card STORAGE partition if you boot into a ROOT session (since ROOT is the owner of STORAGE). The reason I didn't do this was because samba is not working from ROOT on my system and so I could not access the running Libreelec system to copy files out of it.

    A better solution would probably be to:

    -login to Linux as user account

    -copy files from the running Libreelec into a folder on your user account via samba.

    -change owner of this folder to ROOT and then reboot Linux into a ROOT graphical session

    -plug in SD card giving ownership to ROOT session

    -copy files across from folder to STORAGE

    Altering permission on STORAGE has a real potential to mess things up badly so it is safer to access it as ROOT session. Of course this becomes difficult on Ubuntu type systems since there is no ROOT account and everything will have to be carried out in the command line through SUDO. Of course you may not encounter these issues in a Ubuntu session.
