Having problems recently with OpenVPN randomly disconnecting and reconnecting. Seems to have gotten worse in the past few days. Can I post the debug log here fos some advice on how to fix? Using IPVanish.
I use IP Vanish and never have issues related to this add on.
I have had issues with certain servers being OVERLOADED and i lose internet data even though connection is still validated as connected.
I go online log in and every time this issue occurs i see online that the server my box is logged into is OVERLOADED.
I have monitored the servers and i now use one that is generally not loaded most of the time.
Only 2 servers in my City and both get constantly Overloaded at peak times.
I change Servers and never have an issue.
See my screenshot that i sent IP Vanish showing lack of Servers in my city.
Check and monitor servers first and then see what happens.