TX3 Mini Test
Just plugged in my powered hard drive which is formatted NTFS and it does not show up under file manager or videos.
I rebooted and not showing up.
No notification when plugging it in.
Notification comes up when i pull it out. (Successfully Ejected)
Tried both USB Ports.
This powered Hard drive is normally plugged into my TX7 and records my TVHeadend Recordings.
No issues with it being seen on the TX7 Box Running
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I just solved this issue when the same behaviour occurred trying to plug my hard drive into my rock64 running raybuntu's rock64.arm-rb-leia24.
Again the hard drive would not show up with the same notification issue above.
I then plugged the drive into windows but it showed up as RAW and needed formatting.
I then tried plugging it into my MAC and it was showing not recognised.
I then plugged the hard drive into the TX7 and it mounted.
I used file manager to see the files and that's when i saw some files i hadn't noticed before.
ANDROID Folder. Most likely when plugged into the TX3 Mini when i booted Android.
Spotlight Folder and trashes etc. A mac filing system helper for spotlight searches which was more than likely initialised when i plugged the drive into a Mac.
I deleted all these files and only left my movie/tv files on the drive using file manager on TX7.
BINGO the hard drive mounted first time on the Rock64 and the TX3 Mini.
Hope this helps others if that happens. I was lucky the TX7 could mount and read the hard drive.