Thanks a lot, everyone, and a happy new year!
Posts by LeoD
No new RK3328 nightly builds on since October makes me feel kind of uneasy. Is there something I should know?
LOG file from KODI
That's no Kodi [debug] log. Same device, updated to same LE - TvHeadend client plays HEVC (German DVB-T2) for me. Do non-HEVC streams (h264) play for you? Check your setup. Post a Kodi debug log via hastebin
While I'm probably not qualified to extract helpful information myself, maybe someone else around here is.
The Rockchip download links are broken (typo in link creation script?), like:
Files can be grabbed from the mirrors, though.
[EDIT:] The links got fixed.
When watching 1920x960 content there is a thin flickering line on top of the picture.
Crashes are more frequent than expected at first, usually when starting/stopping playback. [Crashlog]
I have pushed two new rk3328 images to Index of /test/, please test and see if anything improves since last build.
Rock64/Netflix : smoothness seems improved, indeed; brightness is OK. Thanks, man! Had one (probably unrelated) crash, but the crashlog is too big to upload.
Or any hints where i need to look?
Two of those Repos were last updated in March ... did you try the latest official Alpha?
Where did you get that build?
Here. Haven't tried mo123's.
I did some tests with my ROCK64 with the netflix addon and i noticed that 720 streams are heavily stutters barely unwatchable.
So i think software decoding with rock64 isn't possible (yet)?
Is it possible to overclok rock64?
Netflix/720 runs absolutely fine for me since the Raybuntu builds IIRC, at around 50% CPU usage. Which build do you use? Upload a debug log and maybe someone can help you.
New images available (German forum), plus some needful addons. Big thanks to Kwiboo, CvH, and everyone else involved!
Please let me know if this improves lost audio and/or lost signal/black screen after a resolution change
Yesss, it works! Thank you so much for your efforts on this device! My use cases are limited, but for the time being I'll try using this instead of my RPi3/Milhouse. Btw, my stone age TV can't do 1080p, but 1080i doesn't show up in the whitelist either. I can select and use that resolution, though.
seehear more or less the same issues as kostaman. Logfile -
Try These. Sorry not at my box. Should work.
Yes, they work. Tanks, man. Same blackscreen issues for me. At least, restarting Kodi via ssh instead of rebooting is sufficient to revive the screen.
Install From ZIP
I'd be grateful if you could provide ZIPs for inputstream.adaptive/rtmp, too. Then my everyday use cases were covered.
Maybe this can help.
It does for me as well. Thanx!
BTW have you or anyone tried using Android TV running on eMMC and LibreElec running via SD Card at the same time ?
I cannot get LE to run whilst eMMC is inserted.
It boots to a certain stage but freezes.
Make sure that all eMMC/SD partitions are labelled differently, and that they match their entries in the corresponding configuration files, respectively:
e2label <-> /boot/efi/extlinux/extlinux.conf
dosfslabel <-> /etc/fstab
Otherwise the wrong partition(s) may be mounted at boot time.
I'm aware that HEVC decoding isn't quite fast enough on the RPi3 (yet?). But why is it blocked completely under LibreELEC (sound only), while it works (stuttering, as expected) under Raspbian?
The server version/platform doesn't matter, and the client addon version is basically the same: vs. 3.4.27-1~stretch.
I cannot get this to work with tvh. Can anyone help? keep getting:
Codexmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend42/bin/tv_grab_file: no output detected xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend42/bin/tv_grab_file: grab returned no data
Have pointed file to a folder in .kodi and not userdata. I have pointed to the correct file (which is grabbing data from sites and making the xml file which is 6mb big)
I may have run into the same problem and found a workaround:
Assuming you have set up wg++ correctly and performed a run, your epg data should be located here:
Following the instructions from here I downloaded tv_grab_wg++
Since /usr/bin is read only on LibreELEC I put it in /storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend42/bin/ where TvHeadend is certain to find it.
LibreELEC's busybox has issues with this bash script however ("bashisms"), so it needs to be edited:
- replace line1 with:
- point xmltv_file_location in line4 to the wg++'s guide_wgp.xml
- replace line9 with:
if [ $# -lt 1 ]
- replace line26 with:
*) [ "${arg:0:1}" = "-" ]
Oops, there are no smileys in scripts...remove one of the doubled opening and closing brackets, and equal signs, respectively.
Deactivate/activate TvHeadend and choose tv_grab_wg++ as XMLTV grabber module.
Click on "Re-run Internal EPG Grabbers".