Posts by LeapOfFaith
Updated the Generic version on htpc1 :
Kodi runs fine, tested some h264/265 and xvid files, using the Aeon MQ8 (2.9.0) skin
Mame tested some roms, works fine
Gamecube tested some games, works but no audio (config using pulse(all working emulators use pulse))
Amiga tested some games, works fine
Dreamcast not working,
3DS some games tested, works fine
PSP portable tested 1 game, works fine
PSP1 tested 1 game, works fine
PSP2 (dl new docker file) , stop running and a white screen.
(from log)
Plugins shutdown successfully.
Path: /root/.config/PCSX2/bios/ps2-0230e-20080220.bin
(p) Configured BIOS file does not exist, or has a file size of zero.(thread:EE Core)
Dreamcast works for me I had to create a new folder in storage/roms/bios and name it dc and copy the dreamcast bios files here.
Update to Beta 15b ,works
Can you test some 3ds games?
Playstation 2 games still not working here. GS error?
For me Nvidia cards have been hit and miss for PCSX2 going back to LE8 Remix builds. I get the GS Plugin error here too with my gtx1050. Looked at the log and its missing opengl 3.3. I switched to my AMD R9 380 card and PCSX2 and WII it work perfect except I can't exit games with latest build so have gone back to beta 12 for the time being.
Hi @5schatten,
I've tried installing your build on an S905 box, but can't get it to boot.
This is the box.
Using the dtb file gxbb_p201_2G.dtb from here (renamed to dtb.img)
Just to test, I installed kszaq's latest S905 build, using the same dtb. Everything works, system boots, wireless, bluetooth, etc all work.
I've tried both updating from kzaqs build by putting your generic S905 tar file into the update folder and just installing fresh from the generic S905 img.gz file onto the sd card. In both cases the box just sits at the firmware boot screen and doesn't boot to LE. Is there anything I can do in order to troubleshoot or get boot error logs?
I had a similar problem. I used a dtb from the Device Tree folder on the sd card after flashing the image which solved it.
Okay so you just exchanged the dtb file and it runs.
If you want to play any A1200 or CD32 game add AGA or CD32 to the file name. The start script is looking for these strings is loading the A1200 default config file then.
So for example:
A1200 ->
CD32 ->
I tried the Amiga CD32 games last night and works great. I found the best method was to copy the uae config files from Ultimate Amiga on the RPI3 and copy them over to your image. Then make a few adjustments to the directory structure to locate the files and roms. My PS4 gamepad worked just had to select wireless controller in the amiberry gui.
Well setting up Amiberry is not what I've meant
If you create a Kickstart folder in the bios dir & name your rom appropriate it works out of the box.
I mean what dtb did you use? One of these? GitHub - LibreELEC/device-trees-amlogic: Linux Kernel device tree files used in LibreELEC releases for Amlogic hardware Replaced the dtb in the image?I used the one already included in the Khadas vim image. Just wrote it to an sd card popped in the K1 Pro and booted first time. There is a dedicated dtb for the k1 pro and have used it for other libreelec images. I also have a wetek play 2 so will try it at some time.
Any idea if Amiga CD32 is working with your build ?
I didnt have to change the dtb as it worked. To get it working just check out the AmigaA500-default.uae file in /storage/.config/amiberry/conf/. Here you will see where it looks for the kickstart rom. So I created a new directory called kickstarts in /storage/.config/amiberry/ and placed my kick13.rom and renamed it kick34005.A500.rom to match with the uae config file.
To have it running smooth at 50hz I set the display to 1080p 50hz in Kodi settings.
I also edit the uae config and set it to this for a better fit depends on your screen I guess.
Pressing F12 gives you the menu. I did have the odd slowdown on a few demos but cured this by changing the cpu to 14mhz. I have not tried the joystick yet so will pair my ps4 gamepad later in libreelec settings.
For amiga 1200 games you need to rename game disk and add AGA in the title. You will also need the kick31.rom and rename to kick40068.A1200.rom or you can edit the uae config to kick31.rom.. I will try whdload later should be a case of editing the uae config files.
Thank you, I went into retroarch and was able to select 2 available cores for psx. None of them worked, but i was able to download and it worked. Graphics are a bit harsh though. Default core that ES points to is So I switched it in es_system.cfg file. What rom files does the default core run? As you said "It will show what bios files are needed and rom extension to run games". Where? When I went to load a file it did recommend a core for it. was that what you meant?
Load the core and the scroll down to information in the menu. Select core information.
Display Morelinux: update to 4.13.12 nfs-utils: update to 2.2.1 xf86-video-intel: update to 37a682a mesa: update to 19b6284 (17.3-rc3) emulationstation: add n3ds oem: include citra-libretro giflib: add glibc 2.26 patch SABnzbd: update to 2.3.1 glibc: add exp2 patch from clear linux glibc: update fma/avx optimized math functions glib: update to 2.54.2 citra-libretro: initial package libva: update to 2.0.0 intel-vaapi-driver: update to 2.0.0 kodi: update to 446c936
Hi I am having problems with PVR TvHeadend with this update. It was working well with your previous build.
I can not get psx, ps2, and psp to work. I tried everything. it would be great if you can show how to do that or point me in the right direction or even let me know if it can be done. What type of files for roms? Do I need a Bios and where do I put them? Do I need to do anything in the PCSX2 folder? I already tried putting bios files in the /roms/bios folder. I have no idea where to trouble shoot for this build. Thank you
What experience do you have using Retroarch ? I think PSX and PSP in this build use Retroarch cores to load the roms. If thats the case then load the psx core via Retroarch and enter core information via the retroarch menu. It will show what bios files are needed and rom extension to run games.