Posts by gretsch61

    Can you go to #573   
    I had a real long posting session with another member back then and he got it in the end.

    Start reading from that post regarding using ApplePi-Baker to burn images to sd card.
    That is what i use, as Terminal in OSX has given me problems in the past.
    The fact that your SD card did not mount after terminal commands suggests it did not work.

    ApplePI-Baker did the Job!

    many thx!


    I have a NexBox A95X with a S905 an 1GB / 8GB and Wifi.

    I downloaded the files from here:

    I used this OSX Installation-Procedure Installation - LibreELEC

    SD card/USB drive:
    Note: only 1 USB port is able to boot the box. You have to try them all.

    • Download img.gz file and burn it to SD card/USB drive: Installation - LibreELEC
    • After this you will see that drive capacity is 512MB. This is OK as there is a second (hidden) partition on the drive for LE userdata!
    • S905 only: Download a device tree, rename it to dtb.img and copy it to main folder of SD card/USB drive - replace the one that's already there.
    • S905X only: Keep dtb.img that is provided on SD card.
    • To boot the system for the first time you have to use one of the following:

      • toothpick method: disconnect the power supply, insert card/drive, use a toothpick to push reset button and connect the power while holding the button. Wait until LibreELEC logo appears and release the button.
      • recovery method: boot into Android, insert card/thumb drive and choose Reboot to recovery. Your box should boot into LibreELEC.
      • recovery method (take 2nd variant): if you have "Update" app pre-installed open it, insert SD card with LE/connect USB drive, and choose any ZIP file in the app for update. Your box should reboot to LE.

    I have not received any errors from the OSX Terminal.

    Somehow never the less it did not seem to go right. I cant get the renamed dbt.img, cause the SD wont mount!

    I have tried it on a Linux-System with the same result.