Posts by jcjefferies

    The exact name on the device is "WinTV-Nova-S2" and is not listed on the LinuxTV Hauppauge Wiki. It was bought back in December so is "New".

    Windows automatically downloaded the Hauppauge driver describing it also as a PCTV 461e. The NextPVR server recognises it as a "PCTV 292 e/461e BDA 28179 TV Tuner S"

    I dont want to abandon my LibreElec server for a a Windows server just to be able to use this USB DVB-S2 tuner. I will contact Hauppauge Support to see what they say.

    Does LibreElec support all Hauppauge tuners? I have a WinTV-Nova-S2 USB DVB-S2 tuner and some weeks ago saw a thread from someone unable to get it working under LibreElec. So a few days ago I started to investigate installing it on Ubuntu. On the Hauppauge web site looking at the Linux support page there is a LibreElec option which confusingly only refers to OpenElec! However the first line says "OpenElec no longer supported but use LibreElec instead"!

    I have been using NextPVR server on LibreElec for quite some time with USB DVB-T2 tuners including a Hauppauge tuner recognised by the Silicone Labs chip set, plus a SAT>IP tuner but would like to add the Hauppauge USB DVB-S2 tuner. The Hauppauge web page infers that you plug the tuner in and it works as drivers and firmware are included in the LibreElec distribution!! Unfortunately the Hauppauge WinTV-Nova-S2 is not immediately recognised unlike the Hauppauge DVB-T2 tuner!

    Any suggestions?

    I think I was a bit hasty saying the new RPi4 was faulty. I have configured the mains so I can switch on the TV first and view the full boot sequence. Running 11.0.3 on one TV I am using to test bootup the first display frequency is 1080p 60Hz next 1366x786 62Hz for most of the boot sequence then 720p 50Hz which is the resolution in system settings! On this TV during the 62Hz time the display is torn and unreadable. In normal use with this RPi4 if this TV is not taken out of Standby within 5 seconds the screen locks up! Another TV displays nothing if this RPi4 is connected.

    However if I install version 11.0.1 all three TVs work as normal as there is no 1366x786 62Hz display mode!


    Great thanks for that! I knew there would be a setting somewhere to change the resolution at boot!

    However it does not cure the problem!

    In cmdline.txt :-

    boot=UUID=1507-5354 disk=UUID=077f401e-ddf6-42b9-95f9-dfb3c6c109f1 quiet


    Still boots 1366 X 768 X 62Hz according to the display setting popup!

    It works as long as I get to the display power button within about 5 seconds otherwise the screen locks up and needs power off restart!

    A 14year old HD Ready Samsung boots in 1280X720X60 but defaults to 1920x1080X50 although it only has 1366X788 display.

    A 10 year old Full HD Sharp TV displays nothing except the initial initial RPi multi colour screen flash! Has worked with RPi3 for many years!


    Is there a way to stop a RPi4 using 1366 X 768 X 62Hz at boot. All three of my TVs say its an illegal mode! On the particular TV I have had to go back to a RPi3 that uses 60Hz refresh at boot and does not cause a problem.

    However on the RPi4 with 62Hz the boot up screen image is torn if I power on the TV within about 5 seconds of power on at the wall. If I dont power on the TV within about 5 seconds the TV just displays a blank screen except for a torn version of the LibreElec version number top left. This TV display seems to have locked up and has to have power Off/On to get the display working again!

    I have searched and not found anyone with this problem!! I did try creating a display mode White List but that probably wont be active until after boot up!


    No problem installing LE 10 latest or Nightly on two AM3+ spare PCs. However the software I want to look at is only included at the moment on LE11. I have tried three December nightly downloads and all fail to boot. They all stop at LibreELEC (community): nightly-202212**-*******. On one PC a very brief error flashes on screen. However the disk boots OK in 14 year old Dell Core2 Duo laptop.

    Well I have my rtl8821CU USB Wi-Fi device working on a RPi3 running Raspbian! The first problem is that Raspbian has no source code installed needed to build modules! Luckily someone on Stack Exchange had a similar problem and was given a list of 10 lines of commands to solve the problem which I copied and pasted into a terminal. That still gave an error then noticed the advice to use 'make ARCH=arm'. I had selected the RPi3 option in the Makefile which selected Arm64 which I did wonder about as I didnt think there was 64bit Raspbian. Using the "arm" option the driver was created and installed.Both versions of the driver on Github seemed to work exactly the same.

    It seems much more sensitive than the Wi-Fi built in RPi3B+ as it finds many more local Wi-Fi routers. However when it switches to 5GHz the signal strength drops dramatically and the connection drops out after a few minutes. Although its better than the 5GHZ Wi-Fi in the RPi3 the 5GHZ signal strength in that particular location is just too low so will find another solution to get more speed at that location.

    Thanks for your help!


    I was going to ask about this device also! I just bought this USB Wi-Fi device which does 5GHZ hoping to get some speed improvement for a RPi3 at locations not easy to use a RJ45 cable. A Fire Stick running Kodi at the same location as the RPi3 gives very good download speed for playback as it uses 5GHZ but the RPi3 only uses 2.4 GHZ which gives too much buffering. This device has external aerial which I hoped would give better performance than the RPi3 internal 5GHZ aerial!

    As has been said the supplied Linux drivers dont work with recent versions of Linux but I found the modified drivers on Github mentioned in the first post. On my Ubuntu 18.04 PC the driver installed without error and finds the USB Wi-Fi device which runs at 5GHZ. The default platform to make a driver for is a PC but there are numerous other options including to make for a RPi and RPi3 so I created a Raspbian SD card and tried to install the driver as mentioned above by Iridium. Making for RPi3 the first error was that /lib/modules/4.14.79-v7+/build could not be found so created the "build" directory which was not a good start!!

    Typing "make " again:-

    pi@raspberrypi:~/Downloads/rtl8821CU-master $ make

    /bin/sh: 1: bc: not found

    make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE= -C /lib/modules/4.14.79-v7+/build M=/home/pi/Downloads/rtl8821CU-master modules

    make[1]: Entering directory '/lib/modules/4.14.79-v7+/build'

    make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'modules'. Stop.

    make[1]: Leaving directory '/lib/modules/4.14.79-v7+/build'

    Makefile:1923: recipe for target 'modules' failed

    make: *** [modules] Error 2

    This error exceeds my level of incompetence on the subject so gave up!!


    Well "systemctl stop kodi" does stop Kodi as it disappears from "top"!

    However "X -verbose 6 > ~/xlog.txt 2>&1" produces the following in xlog.txt:-

    _XSERVTransTransNoListen: unable to find transport: tcp

    Failed to disable listen for tcp transport(EE)

    Fatal server error:

    (EE) Server is already active for display 0

    If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock

    and start again.



    Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support

    at X.Org

    for help.


    I now think that previously I used xrandr and on the problem TV it thinks these are the only supported refresh rates:-

    1920x1080 24.00 23.98

    LibreElec does not seem to support either cvt or gtf to create a suitable modeline!

    There are a couple of web sites which create a "modeline" which give slightly different values. However in the end I copied the Intel version of the xorg.conf I created on another computer and changed the driver name to "Radeon" copied it to .config and now have 1920x1080p@50Hz!!

    Thanks .

    I have been using Open/LibreElec for several years and to me that is Kodi and have never run it on any other OS. When the commands from the Kodi Wiki didnt work it took quite a while to remember that Kodi runs on Linux and those commands were for Ubuntu!


    All I want to do is create a "1920x1080@50p" mode

    As a work around I am trying to modify the Intel xorg.conf I have using info on these Kodi pages:-

    Configuring resolution via xorg.conf - Official Kodi Wiki

    HOW-TO setup XBMC and Linux with correct resolution (xorg.conf)

    I can create a basic xorg.conf with:-" Xorg :1 -configure" but most of it is no use!

    Trying to build a modeline I need to stop Kodi first.

    Ignoring "sudo" which is not needed neither of these commands work on Libreelec

    "sudo stop xbmc"

    "sudo /etc/init.d/xbmc-live stop"

    Is there a way to stop Kodi so I can run :- "X -verbose 6 > ~/xlog.txt 2>&1" to get the modeline data?


    My AMD powered Nettop PC display settings for 1080p dont give me a 50Hz refresh rate options of only 23.98Hz, 24Hz & 30Hz. When I had the same problems with a similar Intel box the solution was found on an Openelec web page which involved creating an xorg.conf file in the .config directory. I think there were sample Intel, Nvidia and AMD files but the page has now been deleted and Google hasn't found me any useful solutions. I seem to remember its a problem with the particular TV not correctly informing what modes it can do!
