Posts by Computeraar

    FWIW I just tried the latest testing img 12.80 on my Minix U9-H and got two errors.

    I suspect the file system errors are because of my SD card (Samsung 256GB). I guess this might not be supported by the HW, but unfortunately I do not have other SD card at hand.

    Whether these FS problems have caused also the panfrost error I do not know.

    The system seemed to boot fine in textmode and ssh and only after I run systemctl start kodi it went south (60th second of dmesg). Kodi did not start complaining about not being able to create /storage/.kodi dir, which was probably related to already borked FS.

    Also just tried the lastest testing img on my Minix Neo U9-H. It failed to open Kodi. The screen went black for a second, presumably to load Kodi, but it fails and just returns to the LE splash screen.

    Tried to boot with ssh parameter, but I was unable to connect to it. It did not accept the default password "libreelec". Not sure if it was something that was going wrong on my end, but I tried numerous times and even tried copying and pasting it.

    Instead then, I booted into textmode. Tried to start ssh with "systemctl start sshd", but that didn't work.

    I ran "dmesg | pastebinit" which gave the following log:  

    "journalctl -a | pastebinit" gave the following log:

    I've pushed a u-boot 2024.10 bump to images in my test share. It would be nice to hear some test reports with it.

    Just tried it on my Minix Neo U9-H. Kodi fails to start. In fact, I am encountering the same problems I described a while back in this post: First boot, stuck on boot screen

    Those issues were fixed a while ago, but seem to be back now. It keeps starting and stopping kodi.service and keeps running Job wait-time-sync.service/start running.

    I tried adding ssh to boot params, but am unable to connect to ssh (using the command ssh [email protected])

    I also tried booting into textmode and running systemctl start sshd, and systemctl restart sshd, but was still unable to connect via SSH.

    Running journalctl | paste gave the following URL:

    After facing issues trying to use LibreELEC on my Minix Neo U9-H a while back, I decided to give it another try now, a few months later. I am able to successfully boot into LibreELEC (stable 12.0 version), but when I get to the step where I have to select my WiFi network, none show up. When I manually go to the LibreELEC settings later, and go to connections, it also doesn't show up there. I am able to see Bluetooth devices though (haven't tried connecting to one yet). Is there anything I can do to fix this or is this a known problem?

    Also, another small question: a while back I seem to recall there being disclaimers stating that Amlogic images will only work well for 1080p content. When checking the Wiki now, I see no disclaimer under the Amlogic section. So my question: can I play 4K content with LibreELEC on my Minix Neo U9-H?

    risa2000 Interesting. Nice to see the errors are gone. The log also shows Broadcom WiFi is now missing but I suspect that's due to another change I made. Can you update to…h64-11.80.0.tar and share the boot log to confirm (it should be fixed if I'm right)?

    wapvi can you confirm it resolves things for you too?

    So are the problems fixed with this version? Are there still any issues specific to the Minix Neo U9-H? I'd still like to start using LibreELEC on my U9-H, but the latest nightly still has the SD card issues as well. Is there anything that still needs to be tested before something like this is merged into the latest releases? I can do testing on my U9-H if necessary

    since i have no access to linux system i was confused as there was no image to burn but folders

    Not sure exactly what the problem is, but you should be able to just use the LibreELEC SD creator again with the new image and select the card that currently has the previous version on it. It will just overwrite whatever is on the card. If it doesn't show up or shows up as multiple devices or whatever, you can use Disk Management in Windows to remove the partitions on the card. Then it should work.

    I also own a Minix Neo U9-H and stumbled over the same problems as Computeraar.

    Good to know it's not just me.

    Have you previously reimaged the box with one of the custom legacy-kernel images? or is/was it still running a factory image? If the former, does the problem exhibit if you restore the box to factory spec first?

    By this, do you mean one of the older LibreELEC versions? I haven't used any of those before, this is the first time I'm trying to run LibreELEC on this box.

    I'm currently using the stock Android 6 version that the box originally came with.

    You forgot "of=" before the output device -"dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M"

    so long,


    Thank you, that worked. The output is as follows:

    dd: error writing '/dev/mmcblk0': No space left on device

    3814+0 records in

    3813+0 records out

    3998220288 bytes (3.7GB) copied, 628.821802 seconds, 6.1 MB/s

    I performed this on a 4GB microSD card. So that looks like it worked fine, right?

    The SD card will be /dev/mmcblk0 so as long as that /dev/device exists you can test writing with "dd if=/dev/random /dev/mmcblk0 bs=1m" and the OS will write random data to the entire card. It will take quite a while (larger card size = longer time) but if there are problems with the card (or reader hardware) it'll throw errors and hang/halt/barf on the task. To state the obvious; this will trash whatever data is currently on the card :)

    In Kodi, this is what I see under system Information -> Storage:

    To be clear, this is when booting from USB, and an empty, FAT32 formatted SD card is inserted.

    I also tried running the command you gave in textmode, which gave the following output:

    (I ran the command twice just in case). Seems like the output is just an explanation of how the command works. Does that indicate that it indeed did not find the SD card?

    (Also, sorry for the late response, I didn't have my Minix with me for a while)

    I'm not sure how to properly check this, but I inserted the SD card after booting, then went into System Info->Storage in Kodi, and it doesn't seem to show up there. Should it automatically show up there?

    Not sure if it would be relevant, but I also tried booting into Android, then inserting the SD card, and I was able to browse the SD card just fine there.

    Edit: running the command


    when in textmode does make Kodi open up

    I just tried flashing it to a USB flash drive, rather than MicroSD card, and this worked, weirdly enough! Booting was very slow though, due to the USB 2.0 ports on this box.

    So it must have something to do with the way it uses the SD card? Or the SD card itself, but I doubt that, as I tried 2 separate SD cards and both gave the same issue.


    ^ this is also odd. The trigger conditions are either "sshd" in kernel command line (from boot params in uEnv.ini or extlinux.conf) or the file /storage/.cache/services/sshd.conf existing and that should be created on first boot.

    Should the boot param be "ssh" or "sshd"? I've been writing it as "ssh", but I think it results in the same regardless?

    I just flashed the LE12 image again, booted it with the ssh parameter just to try that again, and after the resizing of the file system it rebooted, but now says

    Error in mount_storage: mount_common: Could not mount UUID=558bfa8e-4b76-8b00-eb96cffff7c3.

    It then gave a bunch of other errors of which I took a picture:

    After rebooting again, it does not give that problem again, but we are back to the same problem as before, where it gets stuck after Reached target


    If you do "touch /storage/.cache/services/sshd.conf && systemctl restart sshd" does the daemon start?

    Yes, this allows me to connect.


    Can you also run "blkid | paste" and share the URL or output?

    Here's the URL:

    I'm not sure how time could impact on Kodi starting or SSH login which is what your comments hint at. Not least because this is a box with an RTC chip so while time might not always/initially be accurate (ahead according to the boot log; the last line shows time being corrected) it shouldn't ever be so far off it causes problems, and a single working boot (Linux or Android should keep time current.

    Can you run "journalctl | paste" and share the URL; this will mostly show the same log out but with timestamps.

    I tried doing it over SSH after manualy starting the sshd service again, but strangely enough, it wouldn't even let me connect that way now. It just said connection refused.

    Anyway, I ran the command via textmode, here's the URL:

    I noticed that even after correcting the time, it still isn't correct. It's about two hours behind still.

    I tried connecting an ethernet cable to the box and adding the ssh parameter again. Now, after showing the Kodi splash screen, it returns to the LE bootscreen again, but the last thing it shows is Reached target It no longer loops kodi.service.

    I still couldn't connect via SSH, but after entering textmode and manually starting the sshd service, it worked. The result of dmesg can be found in the attached file.

    Both kodi.log and kodi.old.log were empty.


    The one other thing you can try is adding "textmode" to boot params. This boots the box to a text console (not Kodi) allowing you to poke around in the OS to look for problems using a USB keyboard. If the issue is still related to Kodi specifically it's not going to be seen (as Kodi isn't started) but... you might spot something.

    Otherwise I've no idea what the issue could be. I've installed AMLGX images on a couple of things using the same batch of files in my testing share earlier today and they all run without any major issues.

    To see more, we really need to see the systemd journal log and/or kodi.log to see what's causing the issue.

    I've now flashed LE 11 to a different (brand-new) SD card and am getting the same problem still. I did briefly see the Kodi splash screen again before it returned to the LibreELEC boot screen.

    What commands could I run in textmode to look for problems? I tried looking for the kodi.log file and found it, but cat kodi.log doesn't return anything, so it seems to be empty?

    Also, could the Android ROM installed on the box affect things in any way? I'm currently running a custom Android TV ROM. Could reverting it back to the stock firmware help?