Posts by HarryH


    I don’t know if it’s due to the board but when I connect the power to the board the pi5 shutdown just after start

    Do you have this strange behavior only since you tried the pinctrl version? Have you updated to the current version?

    The GPIO15 seems to me to be the more important signal for shutting down. It may be triggered the MCU on the RemotePi pcb before the script was started. These 2 pins (GPIO14/15) are part of UART0. Depending on your bootloader/EEPROM settings and config.txt, conflicts can occur. But this conflict should also exist if you have not installed the script. Can you check without the scripts, if the shutdown also is initiated automatically?

    This information would be important for me to know.

    The original intention was, that you repeat this for every gpiochip.

    • gpiochip512

      cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip512/ngpio
      cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip512/label
    • gpiochip544

      cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip544/ngpio
      cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip544/label
    • gpiochip548

      cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip548/ngpio
      cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip548/label
    • gpiochip565

      cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip565/ngpio
      cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip565/label
    • gpiochip571

      cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip571/ngpio
      cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip571/label

    But I think, that I know the answer. You can check the gpiochip571 and you should get "54" for ngpio and "pinctrl-rp1" for label as the return values.


    I have to do more tests when I get home, but it seems to be ok
    Thanks a lot

    Have you had time to test more? Are there any problems or is it working?

    I was afraid that the pin number was to generic and could be used at the wrong pin. So I have changed the pinctrl script version some minutes ago. Please check the new version.

    Unfortunately, it did not help. Should I comment out "force_turbo=1" also?

    Generated a logfile with that setup, too:

    Edit: As I'am was writing HiassofT posted a possible solution. Please try his image first.

    Only for completeness:

    If you comment out the line, you can't make wrong. It's not default in LibreELEC. For troubleshooting purposes you can also comment out this line


    The first line forces that the ARM cores not going back to a lower frequency and stuck at the highest allowed clock rate. hdmi_enable_4kp60 forces the gpu_clock to 550MHz instead of 500MHz.

    If you doesn't depends on Bluetooth for keyboard/headphones or something like that, can you check with this line added ?:

    In the meanwhile I have played a little bit with pinctrl. But it's now your part to test if it works.

    I think it's the same as Rpi4 on libreelec 12 but it doesn't work if i use GPIOpin=527 and GPIOpin1=526

    To make it complete, please check every listed chip:

    cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip512/ngpio
    cat /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip512/label

    The correct one has 58 on the RPi4 (but the pin count could be split/vary on RPi5) as the return value for ngpio and I'm assuming the label is "pinctrl-bcm2712" or something similar.

    Benoitone I have added pull-down for the input pin, to be ensure the pin isn't floating.

    The root cause of your script is that the usage of sysfs-gpio is deprecated. Now with kernels > 6.5 it was changed. You should first inspect which gpiochips are presented in your case.
    ls -la /sys/class/gpio

    # ls -la /sys/class/gpio/
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Feb 27 18:26 .
    drwxr-xr-x   50 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 ..
    --w-------    1 root     root          4096 Apr  9 18:16 export
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Feb 27 18:26 gpiochip512 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/fe200000.gpio/gpio/gpiochip512
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Feb 27 18:26 gpiochip570 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/soc:firmware/soc:firmware:gpio/gpio/gpiochip570
    --w-------    1 root     root          4096 Apr  9 18:17 unexport

    I don't know if it's a fixed value for RPi < RPi5. For the RPi4 gpiochip512 seems to be the right thing. Since it's not 0 like before, you now need to add the offset 512 to your GPIO number:

    GPIOpin=15 -> GPIOpin=527
    GPIOpin1=14 -> GPIOpin1=526

    Calculation is right. Locally tested with GPIO24 and checked with gpioinfo.

    MatteN ,

    if he has a NVMe to USB adapter and the luck, that his Luxar NVMe is supported by the RPi5 bootloader too you are more than right.

    But that the NVMe is detected by the kernel is unfortunately no guarantee that it boots from.


    If have such adapter, that would be the easiest way. Depending on your experience with the Linux CLI and your goals there also other possibilities with dd and so on.

    Do you want remove the SD card and use the NVMe as boot device or only for /storage ?

    Because your kernel was already able to find the NVMe the line dtparam=nvme could be obsolete. The dtparam=pciex1_gen=3 is only to force PCIe bus to higher speed level. This speed is not official supported and can make additional trouble. My recommendation: activate these settings as the last step after all other things are ready and observe your dmesg log for sporadic PCIe error messages, to be safe and prevent data corruption.

    I can confirm, that strange behavior. After some attempts without success, I had let the port assignment in the default position 0. The things like remote control of KODI, TV off/on seems to work most of the time. I hoped that it was fixed with LE12, but I can say „currently no“.
    But it seems now a unexpected „feature“ of self sorting and self hiding of entries in the settings menu implemented. ;) So I thought it's currently under construction... /shrug

    Only to be sure: You doesn‘t use a case like Argon40 One or some like that, which has a separate power on/off switch?

    Do you have made some changes at the EEPROM settings? Something like this combination:

    That prevents the RPi4 from boot, until you shorten GLOBAL_EN to ground - if I understand the documentation right.

    Version 0.0.13 released

    • added option for displaying temperature in Fahrenheit
    • added SSD/NVMe temperature observing option for fan control

    Be aware: switching the display units between Celsius and Fahrenheit behaves like 2 different temperature profiles. There is no transfer of the values (no migration) from one profile to the other.

    Regarding the SSD/NVMe fan control: The settings are only shown, if the GUI is set to Advanced or Expert ! The temperature profile with the highest required PWM value wins.
    For example if you set value for SSD/NVMe too low, than the fan will starts regardless if the CPU temperature is over the 1st threshold or not.

    Version 0.0.12a released

    • bugfix: works again with LibreELEC 11

    The other day I was concentrating on getting it to work with LE12 and accidentally put a line of code in 0.0.12 that prevented it from working with LE11. However, I'm surprised that no one here has complained about it. Have you all switched to LE12 yet?

    I asked this because I had stumbled upon this information::

    But it seems, that the described behavior regarding the reduced/fixed core clock is not true in all cases and because of some open bugs in the firmware is not predictable.

    enable_uart=1 NOT fixing core_freq to 250MHz · Issue #4123 · raspberrypi/linux
    Is this the right place for my bug report? I hope so, apologies if that's not the case. I've also posted on the RPi forum (See…

    I understood that VC-1 is not hardware decoded with a RPi4. But at a desktop computer ffmpeg tries to use some common acceleration functions to decode newer formats, which not directly supported by the GPU. It could be wrong, but my idea was, you should check if the VPU of the RPi4 has switched to 500 or 550MHz, to ensure that you get the maximum performance and not work against an additional limit.

    vcgencmd measure_clock core