Posts by polo_joe
you have latest LE9 images ?
I need top check if this is a build problem or an Tvh problem.
And pls fix your smaba.conf
browsable to browseable this messes up the log ;D
samba.conf is fixed, thanks
I'm using build 8.90.006 (RK38282.arm) downloaded from Index of /test/006/ on 4th october.
updated for LE9 after the buildserver disappeared several times
currently just manual update, no time yet to setup full auto mode
tvh doesn't start on my 3328 box
Looks like the device is not recognized.
Code20:41:32.545 T:3946808176 ERROR: AddOnLog: Joystick Support: ScanEvents: failed to read joystick "GEN GAME" on /dev/input/js0 - 19 (No such device)
It also looks like you may be having power issues. Try using a powered hub and see if this improves things.
Otherwise it may just be a issue with the rk3328 build which is always a possibility with such a new build.
It's a bluetooth controller, so no hub possible.
Do you have a hint how to dig deeper? As already mentioned, controller worked fine on rpi3.
Please provide a full debug log.How to post a log (wiki)1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging2. Restart Kodi3. Replicate the problem4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)
use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL linkThis is the debug log
New MVR9 image with new bluetooth firmware
works good for me but some strange kernel messages:
Code[ 71.439784] Bluetooth: Failed to start inquiry: status 12 [ 74.266464] Bluetooth: Invalid header checksum [ 74.270103] Bluetooth: Out-of-order packet arrived (2 != 1) [ 74.272548] Bluetooth: Out-of-order packet arrived (3 != 1)
kernel log
I'm using rk3328 community build for my mvr9 box and I'm able to connect my bluetooth gen game s3 game pad, but it's not recognized in kodi.
I'm thankful for every hint.
kernel log
udev rule
thanks, I also had interrupts with my bt headphones and rpi but no issues when using the headphones with smartphone.
Do you know if 150balbes will push the emmc install/backup scripts to libreelec?
When you will push the rc driver?
One more missing point for mvr9 is the non functional on/off switch, maybe something could be done about that.
Dev progress is very well for the box!
New MVR9 image with bluetooth support
After writing the image
Check the following file on your micro-sd card
Just add 'bluetooth' to the end of the following string so it looks like
APPEND boot=UUID=<uuid> disk=UUID=<uuid> quiet console=tty0 bluetooth
Also need to turn bluetooth on in the LibreELEC Settings.
The first time it also froze and I just reconnected the power.
Please check if bluetooth is turned on, if it also makes videos freeze or if everything works and provide logs.
Hope it's something small that is easily fixable.
Do you also get audio interrupts with bluetooth speaker?
I connected my bt controller to mvr9, but can't map buttons.
All I get is
Display More21:51:05.942 T:4084200304 DEBUG: libinput: event3 - debounce state: DEBOUNCE_STATE_IS_UP → DEBOUNCE_EVENT_OTHERBUTTON → DEBOUNCE_STATE_IS_UP 21:51:05.942 T:4084200304 DEBUG: libinput: event3 - debounce state: DEBOUNCE_STATE_IS_UP → DEBOUNCE_EVENT_PRESS → DEBOUNCE_STATE_DOWN_WAITING 21:51:05.942 T:4084200304 DEBUG: CLibInputPointer::ProcessButton - event.type: 4, event.button.button: 0, event.button.x: 0, event.button.y: 0 21:51:05.967 T:4084200304 DEBUG: libinput: event3 - debounce state: DEBOUNCE_STATE_DOWN_WAITING → DEBOUNCE_EVENT_TIMEOUT → DEBOUNCE_STATE_IS_DOWN 21:51:06.073 T:4084200304 DEBUG: libinput: event3 - debounce state: DEBOUNCE_STATE_IS_DOWN → DEBOUNCE_EVENT_RELEASE → DEBOUNCE_STATE_RELEASE_WAITING 21:51:06.073 T:4084200304 DEBUG: CLibInputPointer::ProcessButton - event.type: 5, event.button.button: 0, event.button.x: 0, event.button.y: 0 21:51:06.085 T:4084200304 DEBUG: libinput: event3 - debounce state: DEBOUNCE_STATE_RELEASE_WAITING → DEBOUNCE_EVENT_TIMEOUT_SHORT → DEBOUNCE_STATE_RELEASED 21:51:06.098 T:4084200304 DEBUG: libinput: event3 - debounce state: DEBOUNCE_STATE_RELEASED → DEBOUNCE_EVENT_TIMEOUT → DEBOUNCE_STATE_IS_UP 21:51:06.168 T:4084200304 DEBUG: libinput: event3 - debounce state: DEBOUNCE_STATE_IS_UP → DEBOUNCE_EVENT_PRESS → DEBOUNCE_STATE_DOWN_WAITING 21:51:06.168 T:4084200304 DEBUG: CLibInputPointer::ProcessButton - event.type: 4, event.button.button: 0, event.button.x: 0, event.button.y: 0 21:51:06.193 T:4084200304 DEBUG: libinput: event3 - debounce state: DEBOUNCE_STATE_DOWN_WAITING → DEBOUNCE_EVENT_TIMEOUT → DEBOUNCE_STATE_IS_DOWN 21:51:06.254 T:4084200304 DEBUG: libinput: event3 - debounce state: DEBOUNCE_STATE_IS_DOWN → DEBOUNCE_EVENT_RELEASE → DEBOUNCE_STATE_RELEASE_WAITING 21:51:06.255 T:4084200304 DEBUG: CLibInputPointer::ProcessButton - event.type: 5, event.button.button: 0, event.button.x: 0, event.button.y: 0 21:51:06.266 T:4084200304 DEBUG: libinput: event3 - debounce state: DEBOUNCE_STATE_RELEASE_WAITING → DEBOUNCE_EVENT_TIMEOUT_SHORT → DEBOUNCE_STATE_RELEASED 21:51:06.279 T:4084200304 DEBUG: libinput: event3 - debounce state: DEBOUNCE_STATE_RELEASED → DEBOUNCE_EVENT_TIMEOUT → DEBOUNCE_STATE_IS_UP 21:51:06.814 T:4084200304 DEBUG: libinput: event3 - debounce state: DEBOUNCE_STATE_IS_UP → DEBOUNCE_EVENT_PRESS → DEBOUNCE_STATE_DOWN_WAITING
in the log.
Is something still missing? Controller already worked with rpi.
I think so, maybe that is causing the crashes, but I haven't changed anything when I tested, only flashed and then changed extlinux.conf file.
I will test some more later today.
You can also test.
my bt headphones connected and work. no crash in livetv even when zapping. :->
further testing needed.
reboot doesn't work any more, power cycle is needed.
EDIT: after an hour of using bt headphones I'm experiencing some audio dropouts during livetv and video streams. connection to headphones has never been lost. thanks Kwiboo
mo123 I have now pushed minor updates to my rockchip-part7 branch, mainly contains device tree tuning, fix for wifi on rockbox and initial bluetooth support on box-trn9.
The use of uart2 for BT on the MVR9 seems to cause a freeze on reboot, enable BT by adding a bluetooth bootarg to extlinux.conf
I belive I have found the issue with bluetooth on MVR9, the trn9 schematics shows that uart2/ttyS2 is used for bluetooth and the hciattach-realtek.service is tyring to initialize it using uart0/ttyS0.
You can try to cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/hciattach-realtek.service /storage/.config/system.d/ and change ttyS0 to ttyS2 and restart the box to see if bluetooth starts working.
The change to ttyS2 is also needed isn't it?
New MVR9 image
Added [videoplayer] Fix crash if demuxffmpeg's AddStream method returns null. by ace20022 · Pull Request #14444 · xbmc/xbmc · GitHub + VideoPlayer: fix edge case where input stream sets chunk size for liv… by FernetMenta · Pull Request #14443 · xbmc/xbmc · GitHub
Check if it makes any difference.
PVR addons
Crazy, works perfect now!
Thanks much.
Excellent results.
Getting HW Decoding on my SD Channels and 50 FPS playback.
Channels open at lightning speed with immediate playback.
Unfortunately the 2 dreaded HD Channels on my post #289 still playing at 25 fps.
Previous logs #297
Thank you for building.
You don't get buffering in hd livetv channels (720p, 1080i) after some minutes of watching?
Are you using tvheadend? maybe on same machine?
MVR9 and Rock64 images re-uploaded in previous post.
Please test again.
much better now, thanks
but I'm experiencing still some audio hickups and buffering. audio output is spdif passthrough to my audio system.
Livetv not good for me. Buffering all the time in 720p and 1080i channels. 576i works best but still audio interrupts.
Anyone know if it's possible to burn LibreELEC to emmc storage, erasing Android instead of running from a micro-sd card? I saw it was done for rk3399 but looked a bit complicated.
I'm also interested in this.
This is the way how it's done in armbian, maybe this could help?
I am seeing some odd behavior on my Rock64 when pausing videos for a long period of time.
Frequently I will pause a video and leave it that way for hours.
After I installed the last test release videos which have been paused for a long time will resume and continue to play.
However when they are stopped, the system will stop outputting video rather than returning to the Kodi GUI.
I can access it remotely, so it has not completely crashed.
Is anyone else seeing this behavior, or do I need to try reloading my image again?
I also saw this behavior on mvr9 box sometimes when I stop livetv channels. Issue is not reproduceable regularly.
Only way to get video output back was to reboot with ssh.
systemctl restart kodi didn't help for me.