Posts by petediscrete

    Hopefully you have a system backup available. I recommend you do a fresh install and restore your backup if you do. You may have thrashed the file system with those unscheduled shutdowns/restarts so a fresh format of you SD card to ensure it’s in good condition, install LE and finally restore your backup. That will give you a starting point to get back to where you were prior to the power failures.

    So you can play your recordings in VLC, that’s SD, HD and UHD. I still reckon they are not pure transport streams and have some form of copy protection included.

    I have seen tsv files recorded from Triax decoders which have missing PCR PID which prevents them from being played on an other source outside of the decoder. A primitive copy protection possibly.

    Everything points to some form of conversion before they will play on any other source other than your decoder.

    If indeed you are playing these recordings in VLC I assume it’s the Windows version. It appears Windows Media Player may have the resources to play them. Have you tried playing them in Kodi for Windows.

    The simplest test of all is play them through VLC first. If they are not playing there you can nearly be sure LE won’t play them. Unfortunately there was very little background given by the OP to the source of these files so it’s really just a guessing game. HDCP could also be at play here too. Who knows without further background.

    Appears they are encrypted .ts video files with DRM baked in. Possibly recorded from a set top box. Would that be correct. If so they are purposely saved in this way to prevent any form of sharing or distribution or any form of editing and can only be played back from the source they were recorded.

    Hi ilmich i have a box called "OneTV Lite". In its original Android FW the CPU is called RK3229. And also it says RK30SDK rk322x_box in the Android info. I opened it and found wifi sv6051p and flash is emmc sandisk sdinbdg4-8. I am not sure if RAM is 1Gb or 2Gb.
    The box starts multitool and latest compiled armbian (for rk322x) from SD Card. Altough it has a weird graphics glitch (flicker and black bars in the picture) that seems to happen only during sdcard data transfer. As soon as everything is loaded the picture is perfect.
    I tried your latest libreelec 10 build and it doesn't boot with any of your dtb files. Then i started to play around with the device trees and copied some parts from the dtb that comes with multitool. Now i can boot your libreelec build from SD, with the same graphics glitch. Also the glitch dissapears as soon as Kodi finished loading i can navigate trough menus normally. Now i want to ask for your help to create the right dtb for my box. Remote doesn't work and the wifi is not recognised, i tried to copy the wifi node from another dtb with no luck.

    Attached my current working dtb. Also dmesg and efuse dump.




    Your graphics issue sounds like a bad HDMI cable. Try a couple of different ones.

    shedrock again I did suggest setting up your RPI4 and SSD on RPI OS first to do all the testing with the built in tools provided. It appears you are cherry picking suggestions made by users here and coming back moaning about the RPI4 without properly testing it.

    You were asked to provide a full log and instead decided to have a pop off HiassofT who incidentally is an actual developer, when he points this out to you. You’re not exactly warming yourself to the user base here.

    I suggest you follow the advice here from users who have already been through the process and have proven that the RPI4 is more than capable of running LE no matter what is thrown at it.

    Well, after hours and hours of trying, I did manage to get LE to work on the SSD drive, but it keeps failing at different times. If I copy files from my PC over to the addon folder, it stall, I get errors and the RPi reboots, freezes, or sometimes it says that it is beyond repairs (or similar message). I installed LE on the SSD driver over 7 times, and every time it fails at some point or the other. I eventually gave up and installed it on a Sandisk 128 GB MicroSD using the latest Nexus release, but it is very slow compared to my existing older ZBOX. I then installed LE 10.0.4 which is a bit faster than 11.03 but it gets stuck in a loop for over 10 times before booting to the LE interface, and also locks up and sometimes it just reboots. It has been a horrible and frustrating experience thus far. And as for the SSD drive. I did try 3 different brands, Samsung, Sandisk and Kingston, and they all fail. I don't think the SATA adapter is the issue either, because I tried 2 costly brands and same problems.

    Sorry for the multiple posts. Maybe someone can offer some advise.



    I did suggest in an earlier post that you first test your hardware on RPI OS to rule out any hardware issues and that includes flaky power supplies. It’s up to you what you do but until your rule out hardware issues first you’ll be back here many times looking for solutions.

    Fixed by As soon as a more recent commit of the Kodi source is included in LibreELEC, the issue should be fixed. Thank you very much to ksooo and all the others contributing.

    A hacked fix so I wouldn’t class this as resolved. This issue was reported on a number of forums particular to Live TV PVR and a number of factors could be at play here causing the problem. Yes it appears to be resolved now but that could change quickly.

    Oh man,

    I just received my RPI4 on Friday, to find out that there's now an RPi5 on the way. ;(

    Another element of the fiasco that is Raspberry Pi these days. So many other SBCs on the market these days at more competitive prices but the RPI cheerleaders who buy into the whole deal will keep pushing the agenda for others to buy the latest model on offer.

    You’ve got an RPI4 now that in fairness has been heavily tested by its user base so just enjoy it. We’ve had one reported testing of the RPI5 here and they do say one swallow does not make a summer.

    There’s absolutely no hurry getting LE to run on an RPI5. If the introduction of the RPI4 and the firmware fiasco is anything to go by you’ll need your iron plugged in 24/7.

    Such a shame users don’t enjoy the LE user’s experience a little more instead of worrying about the latest hardware it may or may not run on. Leave the developers to their own devices and no doubt when the time is right every user here will know when it’s all ready to go. I think many of these users have more money than sense.

    I had an idea your problem was drive related. I’d try and save as much data as possible while you can still access the drive. You could then start the recovery process and possibly reformat the drive in a Linux friendly.

    Before attempting this process you could try and remove the TVH client and backend and attempt to perform a backup again to rule out any problems with TVH.

    Again before trying any of this could you confirm what hardware LE is installed on and what tuner you are using for TVH