my HD is powered externally. Being a "3.5 SATA it needs power. It worked like this until recently, it still works like this if I connect it to the PC to upload / move videos.
Posts by Olivastro
Can anyone help me? Didn't I make myself clear? Anyone who has encountered the same problem as an HD that at some point is no longer seen?
Hi, I have a problem that has been recurring for a while but I don't know why!
I connect an external HD to the USB port (through an adapter that allows you to bring the SATA output to USB 2.0) and that I feed with a valid power supply (it has always worked, the disc turns on)
Well, for some time now it happens that at the beginning of the film this freezes and no command allows you to govern the Kodi!
So you have to brutally restart, but when you restart the Kodinon it sees plus this HD: all the folders and fanarts remain, BUT if I try to start the video it tells me that the peripheral is disconnected.
And I have no way to see this HD again until I reconnect it to the PC.
After that sometimes nothing happens, other times I restart the interrupted film and see it all too ...
Do you have any idea what is causing this?
Hi, I am joining the discussion because I too am having the same problem!
Every time I have to re-enter the pw and this, as well as being boring, generates other problems such as the lack of adaptation of the libraries, of the weather ... of everything that should be activated after the wifi has allowed the connection.
At the moment we are few who have this problem ... we need to understand what determines it!
Ok, for my two microSD it works and this is good at the moment
I tried again to search, search ... and maybe I just found the solution that solves both the problem that arose from the LibreElec boot and from the different one that occurred at the boot of Volumio. Both are solved by adding this statement to the cmd.txt file
Now it would also be nice if someone explained to me HOW this string acts on the pi4 / OS.
If others trying to have solved the problem thanks to this instruction I will be even more happy
Sorry for the rush of an answer with which I would close my question in this forum.
I answered the good "chewitt":
"I think you've put the seal on this discussion. I'll keep doing the disk-jokey until I find the solution elsewhere."
thank you
Credo che tu abbia messo il sigillo su questa discussione. Continuerò a fare il disk-jokey finché non troverò altrove la soluzione.
Here I am again ... Disappointment because your last roll of the dice also failed: always and only the same mistake with obviously modified values. In practice it is as if the address we give it reads it, but it does not correspond in any case to the exact location. It remains to be seen if the error is saying that "no position is exact because the reason I can't find it is another", or if "the position exists, but you haven't guessed it yet!"
Try to also consider what I hypothesized in my last one, that is, that it could be how the MBR or similar is written by the program with which the card is prepared? Because after all these changes now none of the cards supplied are read, for Volumio another error is given while for LIbreElec always this one, but long ago one of the two worked! So what I can have changed is "only" the following formatting and reformatting mode of the microSD. Or do you think it's completely out of the way?
/dev/sdd1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL_FATBOOT="LIBREELEC" LABEL="LIBREELEC" UUID="3010-5350" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="cfdfc946-01"
/dev/sdd2: LABEL="STORAGE" UUID="a8e8a687-3b0f-472c-a2e4-3e8c903fd088" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="cfdfc946-02"
Last: I copied the information about the TWO partitions of LibreElec from blkid. Maybe I'm still wrong to interpret the directions. I'm sorry to still cause problems. (I also followed your indication to try Pinn, but here Volumio sometimes crashes and in any case the update is difficult.
I'm sorry, but even following your wise guidance ... it doesn't work.
I used blkid from Linux and got this script following your example slavishly, but it still gives the same error
boot=UUID=3010-5350 disk=UUID=a8e8a687-3b0f-472c-a2e4-3e8c903fd088 quiet ssh
Yet when I insert the same card directly the law!
But ... I don't know why, but now it no longer even reads the SD on which I had put Volumio.
That everything depends on the software with which they are formatted
the microSD, BEFORE using the programs needed to install libreElec and Volumio?
Thank you! But do you mean that between 5350 (in my case) and disk there must be no space?
I should write like this instead?
boot=UUID=3010-5350disk=LABEL=STORAGE quiet
I take this opportunity to certify that the uuid code reported is correct. I checked it with the command in Linux's terminal!
So the error is not this ... but then what is it and why does it occur only with these adapters? Inserting the microSD into Linux using the same adapters, to try, I see everything as if I were directly inserting the card ...
Before I answered I wanted to try it myself. I read the file from a PC with Linux. I changed it from "boot = UUID = 3010-5350 disk = LABEL = STORAGE quiet" to
"boot = disk = LABEL = STORAGE quiet" as I think I understood that you were asking me to do (first I proceeded to rename the original file without modifying it!).
The result still is
*** Error in mount_flash: mount_part: Unknow filesystem disk=LABEL=STORAGE ***
I tried to mount the microSD in Linux. By reading the cmdline.txt file with linux text editor i get this content:
boot = UUID = 3010-5350 disk = LABEL = STORAGE quiet
Since this is a txt file, I could not modify it with the Linux text editor?
I tried opening the cmdline.txt file from Windows Notepad. Can't I insert corrections to the string you tell me to make from here? Do you have to do it from pi4 or from a Linux distro with the "sed" command?
I also understand that I could do the same job by leaving the card in the pi4. But how do I edit the cmdline.txt file? That is, if I am in Kodi where do I find the possibility to start an editor to do what you tell me?
1. I have a keyboard that I connect via bluetooth to the pi4 through the USB transmitter.
2. I don't understand the next sentence. You say to create a directory I guess after mounting the microSD, then using the command cat / sed. ALT!
Have patience, follow as I interpret your instructions
a. I will insert the microSD into a PC with Linux as the operating system
b. I will mount the microSd
c. i will create a directory.
If the sequence seems correct to you I don't understand where I should create that directory.
In mine I read about a single directory named "overlays" for example. Do I need to create a second directory at this level or inside "overlays"?
Excuse me...
Hey! Great Chewitt!
If I understand correctly (I know very little about these topics, but I gladly learn) then the problem can be solved!!!
Now I apply myself to understand sentence by sentence what you say that must be done, then I will try to solve it.
I hope I can ask you the specific "what to do" questions here