Posts by HiassofT
According to the log you are hitting the rather common UAS issue with your USB drive (lots of cheap drives have broken UAS implementations and Intenso doesn't have the best reputation).
CodeFeb 06 12:22:13.841587 LibreELEC kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] tag#21 uas_eh_abort_handler 0 uas-tag 3 inflight: CMD IN Feb 06 12:22:13.842112 LibreELEC kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] tag#21 CDB: opcode=0x28 28 00 77 3b c7 88 00 00 68 00 Feb 06 12:22:13.871559 LibreELEC kernel: scsi host0: uas_eh_device_reset_handler start
Add usb_storage.quirks=152d:0578:u to the end of /flash/cmdline.txt (on the same line!) to disable UAS for the SSD.
so long,
Should I expect deinterlacing to be working with a RPi5 with DRM Prime? Working as expected on a 12 nightly but not with 11.0.6.
Deinterlace on RPi5 only works in LE12 - kodi in LE11 doesn't support software (BWDIF) deinterlacing which is needed on RPi5.
so long,
Use an external (USB) HDMI grabber, this is still supported by current Hyperion. There don't exist any working software grabbers for RPi yet.
so long,
Do as the same as systemd-shutdown, ignore the message(s) (they are harmless and perfectly normal).
so long,
It depends on what you want.
By default the RPi uses the (better) ttyAMA0 for bluetooth and you can enable the (less capable) ttyS0 for use in your script with enable_uart=1 in config.txt.
With the miniuart-bt overlay bluetooth uses ttyS0 and you can use ttyAMA0 in your script.
so long,
Just use /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyAMA0 in your script.
The (downstream RPi) script and udev rule to create the alias symlinks have been removed a while ago when the RPi kernel finally switched to upstream kernel BT configuration.
brcmfmac_sdio-firmware-rpi: drop rpi-btuart script and service · LibreELEC/ is finally initialized by the kernel Signed-off-by: Matthias Reichl <[email protected]>github.comso long,
i mostly use san disk usb 3 drive
This doesn't say much, Sandisk has a ton of different models.
I can't test on RPi5 right now but on my PC eg my Sandisk Ultrafit 32GB USB3 stick does about 140MB read / 50 MB write whereas my Sandisk Extreme Pro 64GB microsd card achieves 170MB read / 90MB write speed (both tests were linear reading/writing 1GB of data).
so long,
It'll depend a lot on the exact model you use, most of the 32-128GB USB sticks I have are a lot slower than the 32/64GB SD cards I use (Sandisk Extreme Pro), especially when it comes to writes and random access.
As a rule of thumb: if the manufacturer didn's spec write speed it'll be slow. For SD cards also make sure you get one with A1 or A2 application class and, as always, stay away from no-name brands.
You'd need to look for USB SSDs (not USB sticks / thumb drives), they should be fast - but they are quite expensive.
so long,
The journal message already gave you the correct hint: use Option=nolock in your systemd mount unit.
so long,
Take your time, we're not in a rush.
I had planned to rework our noobs/pinn build a bit in the next weeks or so (as time permits) and it'd be nice to have that finished when we ship LE12.0.0. As we haven't started with LE12 betas yet I'd guess that won't be before March, so there's plenty of time (and it's also no huge deal if we do it some time later, then you/we can just do a manual os_list update).
so long,
Thanks for adding/updating the os list!
I think moving to sha checksums of the downloaded tarballs etc is a good idea, then we can drop the manual md5 sum creation and checks in
Do you have some pointers how to use/add the pinn sha512 checksums?
In general I'm very open to all improvements and suggestions how to simplify stuff, just speak up
so long,
This is a known issue and the fix is just waiting to get merged by someone into LE12
so long,
Please test with the latest LibreELEC 12 nightly builds, I recently noticed and fixed an issue which may have led to filesystem writes (updating last file/directory access timestamps) even if you only read from NTFS partitions
NTFS filesystems are mounted with incorrect options · Issue #8474 · LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tvAutomounting NTFS drives via udevil should mount NTFS filesystems with nosuid,noexec,nodev,noatime,fmask=0133,uid=0,gid=0 according to udevil.conf but on LE12…github.comIn addition to that you can now configure LE to mount NTFS partitions read-only by default which should further help with accidential filesystem corruption in case of unclean shutdown, powerloss etc. If you want to change files eg via SMB share or shell just remount it read-write, eg via mount -o remount,rw /var/media/YOUR-NTFS-DRIVE and remount it again read-only after changing stuff via mount -o remount,ro ...:
Copy /etc/udevil/udevil.conf to /storage/.config/udevil.conf and change the default_options_ntfs line of /storage/.config/udevil.conf to contain the ro option. i.e. add , ro at the end of it:
CodeLibreELEC:~ # cp /etc/udevil/udevil.conf /storage/.config/udevil.conf LibreELEC:~ # nano /storage/.config/udevil.conf
Code... default_options_ntfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, fmask=0133, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, ro ...
so long,
procount another question: do you support UUID=... instead of LABEL=... in partition setup now? Currently we still have label entries in partition.json but as LABELs can easily clash that's not ideal.
Also not sure if our is still fine…
so long,
procount currently we only have the latest version available, via, but that does seem to cause issues with the mirrors so we are discussing if we should provide versioned directories.
9.2.6 was our last release for RPi1, RPi2 (also used for RPi3), RPi4 and RPi5 releases are at 11.0.5 now - which was just released today and the mirrors don't seem to have picked up the new noobs files yet.
eg doesn't have RPi5 yet but it's available directly from our release server - eg, RPi2 is at 11.0.4 (the previous release) and RPi4 at 11.0.3 (I broke RPi4 and RPi5 noobs builds in 11.0.4 so that was our previous RPi4 noobs release as well).
The easiest solution would be if you could pull a json with the latest noobs image metadata from our server, like RPi imager does - then we can automatically update it when we do a new release.
Regarding image metadata: do you have some info which settings should be in the os/os_list.json files`? Currently we fill in lots of very deprecated fields like supported_hex_revisions which IIRC got dropped ages ago and may be missing some other now required fields.
so long,
On RPi5 you have to manually run "rpi-eeprom-update -a" via ssh to update the bootloader eeprom firmware.
so long,