Posts by Flecky


    No, I am trying to install libreelec image rk3318 on my rk3318's nand with rk3318 multitool. But like I say it doesn't work. Brick.

    I simply took advantage of a conversation in this thread where it said that there were 3 methods to do it:

    -rkdevtool (I haven't tested it).
    -multitool (this method does not work for me).
    -dd commands (is what I'm really asking).

    Thanks for your answer.


    What kind of problem are you having with the Armbian multitool? I just flashed the NAND with this last version on my MXQ Pro using the multi tool... YMMV

    Here are some modified instructions from :

    • Build or download your preferred Kodi image and a copy of the Multitool;
    • Burn the Multitool on an SD card; once done, place the uncompressed (i.e. no .gz extension) Kodi image file in images folder of the SD card FAT partition;
    • Plug the SD card in the TV box and plug in the power cord. After some
      seconds the blue led starts blinking and the Multitool appears;
    • OPTIONAL: you can do a backup of the existing firmware with “Backup flash” menu option; (this takes a while; 1+ hour)
    • From main menu select "Burn image to flash"
    • Select target device, probably "rknand0"
    • Select source image, should be the image that you put in the images folder from step 2
    • For the next question "Do you want to skip idbloader sectors?" I selected "Yes"
    • Once the flash is complete, remove the sdcard and select "Reboot"
    • At this point it should load Kodi disk setup, then reboot again to Kodi setup

    * Edited formatting

    Thanks for your reply.

    In my case, as I said, it is a RK3318 device and as expected multitool from its link cannot start on my RK3318.

    On the contrary I use multitool for RK3318 / RK3328 from this link and it works perfectly to install Armbian in nand, but I can't install Libreelec because it brick the device.…-tv-box-boards/

    That is why it asked him how to install in nand with dd commands.

    Thanks again for your reply.

    Hello, I saw this message and I was wondering if you could explain how to install in nand with the DD method.

    My device is RK3318 and with the Armbian multitool I can't do it.

    With rkdevelop tool I have not tried it yet, but I think it would be easier and more comfortable to do it with DD.

    Can you help me? Thank you.

    Here is the proper file for 4330 and 4334

    Hello RetroFan90

    Bluetooth can't get it to work yet, I don't know if it depends on a new dtb file or the kernel. Or just need to add the driver, but I could never get it to work.

    Anyway, my tvbox 99% works, everything works perfectly except the Bluetooth and being able to install Libreelec in the internal memory.

    I hope the developers can help us here.

    Creating a functional dtb will be trivial once someone writes a functional kernel for RK3318. The horse needs to come before the cart.

    Hello Chewitt.
    Kernel is already functional as I teach you in this post. DTB also seems to work very well, but lack of BT.

    Thank you for your great work.

    November 26, 2021 at 8:49 PM

    Hello chewitt and balbes150

    I wanted to tell you that I have news about Libreelec on my HK1 Super device and at the same time ask for your help.

    I have managed to run Libreelec on a sdcard on my RK3318 tvbox with almost 100% effectiveness. These are the updated data:

    As before, to boot any Libreelec image on sdcard you always have to install any Armbian image in internal memory first with the multitool tool. If we have the memory with Android or the internal memory erased, Libreelec does not start.

    In this case I am using official LE11 community versions.…f3241-a1.img.gz

    And now I use the following Armbian DTB rk3318-box.dtb, attached to this post. I must also use the /storage/.config/firmware/brcm folder with the driver for WIFI to work, also attached to this post.

    Video decoding HW --- OK

    Led --- OK

    Ethernet --- OK

    SSH and SFTP --- OK

    WIFI --- OK

    Bluetooth --- NO. (I ask for your help to fix this and I am attaching a new log and dmesg. Pictures of the hardware can be seen in my previous post).

    Installing Libreelec in internal memory makes the tvbox brick, I would like to fix that.

    I wonder if with this data they can support this RK3318 (HK1 Super) tvbox or add the DTB and WIFI / Bluetooth driver to future images.

    Thank you for your work, it is excellent and wonderful.

    chewitt  balbes150

    These are the tests that I have carried out with my RK3318 (HK1 SUPER):

    To boot any Libreelec image on sdcard, you must always first install any Armbian image in internal memory with the multitool. If we have the memory with Android or the internal memory erased, Libreelec does not start.

    In LE10 official Libreelec versions you have to inject trust.img, in LE11 development versions of Balbes150 trust.img is already included.

    I have to use the DTB rk3318-a95x-z2.dtb and everything works great:

    Video decoding HW --- OK

    Led --- OK

    Ethernet --- OK

    SSH and SFTP --- OK

    Remote control --- OK

    WIFI or Bluetooth --- NO. (Attached log and dmesg. I also attach photos of the hardware).

    Installing Libreelec in internal memory makes the tvbox brick. With Multitool, Armbian and bridge on the board it is easily unbrickeable. I haven't tried this yet: