Posts by WarpLover

    Wetek Play 2 - SD Card - LE - TVDeadHead 4.2 - ATSC-T tuner

    I set up a DVR program for later tonight using the TVDeadHead backend HTML PC interface.

    How do I make that time slot a weekly recurring recording?

    There is a learning curve associated with Libreelec and Kodi. If you're not willing to learn, then it's your loss. By the way, your Windows Shares must now be password protected in order for the new SMB / Samba path to work. I was stumped until I asked for help here. Good Luck !

    We just went from win 7 to win 3.1 with the networking.

    Why don't we just fiddle with IRQs, DMA, and COM ports again?

    version 17, right? lol

    been using streaming boxes since WDTV

    been using KODI since early XBMC

    I built my second computer, a 486DX

    thanks for your support though

    Of course you have my thanks!

    What this will do for me is being able to use the wetek, an external hardrive, and a 12v screen while camping (for playing music only at the moment). All the components are 12v, including a hub if I want to do video as well. I take a deep cycle battery just for this project. It lasted 3 days playing every waking minute with a 3" screen.

    The a/v jack is easier to adapt to than the HDMI for this particular idea. I had this system working once using a HDMI to A/V converter. That just kills the volume level and it would require a 12v audio amp with hdmi in and out to make up the loss in volume. I have amplified wireless speakers for the amplification. I don't want to add another amp to the system. Given proper pre-amp levels, like a walkman line-out, the amplified speakers work like a charm. Even if the audio is still low, the need for HDMI is thrown out using the A/V jack, allowing a gazillion of choices for 12v amps, pre-amps, etc. If the software allows us to digitally boo_st volume levels like kodi's video player does, I will be one happy camper!

    And if this works in the woods, it works in a boat, and a car, or 1973 Jeep Wagoneer! :)

    I will never run android, so it doesn't even matter to me if it works there. I :heart: LibreElec!

    Again, thanks in advance.

    I have a WETEK Play 1 running Libreelec:heart: & Kodi:heart: 17.5 on a SD card. I ordered my analog cable directly from WETEK.

    Does Libreelec support the analog A/V port on a WETEK Play 1 booting from a SD card? Does the current version of Kodi also support that A/V port?

    If so, when was it implemented?

    Thank you.

    I have 5 external hard drives plugged into a high quality hub, and the hub is connected to the wetek play 1 box. I am running the latest beta of libreelec. I am using the libreelec share function to see these five drives from a windows computer. I am cycling the power on the box, hub, and drives to change which drives mount.

    The drives almost never all mount. I get a random mix of drives that mount, and almost always there is at least one drive that refuses to mount. One time I got all five to mount.

    Is there a script to run at startup to mount them that will ensure that they always mount?

    Thanks. 8)

    While I was running the first alpha, I was using Aeon nox 5. I dropped the update tar file in the update folder and rebooted. Most of the text the update produces was mostly off the left side of the screen, but I could see the last couple characters, so I conclude the update took.
    When the OS starts up Kodi w/Aeon nox, I just get the menu bar that is empty. The temp is correct, the time and date, is correct, so the OS seems to be fine, even the temp which comes from the internet works, but there are no menu items on the menu bar.
    If I push the favorites button on the remote, the favorites box comes up, but it is empty because I hadn't added any favorites, but that works too.
    So in short, Aeon nox is choking in a way that leaves Kodi unusable.
    I have tried the generic versions, the tar, the gz. I always get the same result - nothing on the menu bar.