While I was running the first alpha, I was using Aeon nox 5. I dropped the update tar file in the update folder and rebooted. Most of the text the update produces was mostly off the left side of the screen, but I could see the last couple characters, so I conclude the update took.
When the OS starts up Kodi w/Aeon nox, I just get the menu bar that is empty. The temp is correct, the time and date, is correct, so the OS seems to be fine, even the temp which comes from the internet works, but there are no menu items on the menu bar.
If I push the favorites button on the remote, the favorites box comes up, but it is empty because I hadn't added any favorites, but that works too.
So in short, Aeon nox is choking in a way that leaves Kodi unusable.
I have tried the generic versions, the tar, the gz. I always get the same result - nothing on the menu bar.
LE Update Half Worked
WarpLover -
September 10, 2016 at 9:43 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
Try using the default skin.